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So, I'm working on a script that will modify the UnarmedDamage Actor Value. I need to figure out how to get the value for the Actor value, though. I tried using the code from the CK wiki, but it isn't working.


The basic idea is that there are two variables: the UnarmedDamage AV and a Global Variable named Level.


I want to multiply the AV by (1 + [Level/20]).


Here is the code that I tried to use:


Scriptname UnarmedDamageMulti extends ObjectReference  
{Scales the Unarmed damage according to player's Unarmed level.}

GlobalVariable Property Level auto
int UD = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("UnarmedDamage") as int

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
Game.GetPlayer().SetActorValue("UnarmedDamage", UD*(1 + Level.GetValue()/20))


Please help? :smile:

Edited by Woverdude
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OnEffectStart is an event for active magic effects, while your script extends ObjectReference. It won't work. Also,


int UD = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("UnarmedDamage") as int


should be put inside an event or function.

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Thank you for your help. The script works now. :smile:
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