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Who Would Help A Widows Son With A Mod Order? ;)


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Ok, little bit about my situation.

I've been in Prison for 5 years and finally got out and am able to play Fallout 4 w/ All DLC. I'm a Huge fan and always will be. In my opinion, Fo4 is simply one of the best games I've ever had the pleasure of playing.

I feel like a Kid again to be honest. But now that i discovered Mods > OMG < how the doors open before me lol. Its like an Entirely new game. The depth and detail that some of u guys and gals put into this amazes me and truly i bow with my hat off to u all.

Now I'm not a complete greenhorn when it comes to comps. and can usually hold my own and fix my own issues with a little help from the interwebs ha ha. BUT i am tripping over a few road blocks when it comes to the real detailed work of this business.

I.E. Conflicts with my chosen mods and cant quite seem to get a comfortable feeling Load order.

The Game runs fine but it just seems like one or more of the mods is being held up or it just doesn't seem like I'm getting the feel of it all. Because i remember loading the True Storms and deeper Darkness mods for the first time and WOW talk about immersion. Blew me away haha So I'm turning to u all for a little help.

,I'm going to post my currently used mods, their order, and my computer specs to ease however i can. Please and Thank you for your time and i look forward to working with you. :smile:



Nvm Here are my specs since i can only attach one File:


GeForce GTX 1060


Driver version 388.59


intel®corei5-7300HQ CPU @ 2.50 gHZ


&.88 gb rAM




I Know a couple mods r in red and also are not checked, i did that because they r different options or i dont have the patch for one thats already patched.

I do Have Nexus, LOOT, And Fo4Edit.

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