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[LE] Help for triggering scene through quest stages

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I recently got back into modding and tried to put in a scene which would be activated by a trigger box. I tried to implement it so that the trigger box moved forward a quest stage, where I would have a short script to make it start. However, when I tried to write the script, which I thought would only need "myScene.Start()", the compiler fails. I assumed because it is in quest stages that I do not need to use an event to trigger. The compiler returned that myScene is undefined, so I tried including a property to make it:


scene Property myScene



This still fails. Perhaps I have written the property incorrectly. Please tell me what I am missing here to make this work.



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Well I would agree with your assumption that you wrote the property wrong. If you wrote it in the fragment window of the quest then that's definitely not where it goes. The simplest thing is to use the GUI of CK to let it add it for you. Just click the properties button, then add and fill it in with your scene info. It should handle making the property, and if you named it right, pick the scene and assign it to the property for you. If it didn't auto assign the right scene, you can do so manually. Then hit the OK button.

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Well I would agree with your assumption that you wrote the property wrong. If you wrote it in the fragment window of the quest then that's definitely not where it goes. The simplest thing is to use the GUI of CK to let it add it for you. Just click the properties button, then add and fill it in with your scene info. It should handle making the property, and if you named it right, pick the scene and assign it to the property for you. If it didn't auto assign the right scene, you can do so manually. Then hit the OK button.


I am unable to set the property via the property button. When I click property, the following error pops up and the properties do not open.


Cannot open store for class "QF__050241E6", missing file?
Not sure what I am meant to do for that.
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Usually that happens when the script file hasn't been created or at least compiled yet. So the simplest thing would be to just make your fragment with a dummy comment so it makes the script file and compiles. Then add the property (and assign value). Then add your code to use the property. So the bare bones would go something like this:


  1. Create new quest
  2. Give quest an ID and hit ok to "save" a starting skeleton.
  3. Reopen the quest and create the first quest stage.
  4. Add stage data to get an editable fragment box.
  5. Enter a blank comment like "; dummy comment"
  6. Hit OK to save again so it creates and compiles the basic fragment script.
  7. Reopen the quest and add properties as necessary.
  8. Then after adding the properties add the real fragment code to use those properties.
  9. Hit ok to save again.
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