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How to play an Assassin character AFTER completing Dark Brotherhood qu


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I am new to the forum so I apologize if there is already a thread for this or if I am asking a redundant question.



I joined the Dark Brotherhood and finished its quests. I absolutely loved it. They were my favourite guild, surpassing the Companions, Thieves Guild, Bards, and Imperial legion.



Unfortunately, the quests came to an end but I enjoyed being an Assassin VERY much. I finished all of Nazir's contracts. The only ones left are the ones in "The Dark Brotherhood Forever" but they are very generic.



So I'd like some help on how to continue the life of an assassin despite the dark brotherhood not being an active entity in the game anymore.


Are there any custom assassin quests created by the Nexus community?

Is there any fun easter eggs and such that will enhance this archetype?

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