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Dialogue Help - lotsa questions


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Hi people,

I'm fooling around trying to mod my game, and I've got tons of questions. This post is regarding dialogue.


1. there are some symbols and codes used to insert the players name, spouse name etc. My question is is there a list of these symbols anywhere? for example, is there a symbol for:

A. your horse

B. a randomly selected villager

C. pets/farm animals

D. an alternate symbol for the player that can be used for nicknames:

@ = Jennifer

? = Jenny




2. the funleave, funreturn, workleave, and workreturn dialogues eack play a few times a week, and tend to get repetitive. How can I create more dialogue for these days? for example you have rainyday0

rainyday1 etc, to give a variety of dialogue on rainy days. This format hasn't worked for me, does anyone know a way possible?



3. you can converse with your spouse three times a day, morning afternoon and night. Now if the day is summer_1, you can write specific dialogue for the morning, and get random dialogue in the afternoon and evenings. Is there a way to write night dialogue for a specific day? example:

summer_1 - I think kid1 has a cold. maybe I should take him to the doctors

summer_1_night - Harvey said kid1 is fine



4. NPCs have specific dialogue for their birthdays and when they recieve gifts. is there a way to give an npc alternate responses if they are your spouse? I know I could just rewrite, say, Abigails dialogue, but is there a way to do it without having to change the npcdisposition file when you get hitched?



5. festivals - I havent been able to add inlaw dialogue like you can on regular dialogue files, ex: winter star feast

Caroline: ooh Ive had too much nog

Caroline_inlaw_abigail: Hey guys! we save you some seats over here.

This doesn't work. Any ideas?



So, if anyone has figured any of these out, or if you know for sure that it just isnt possible, I'd love some help. Thanks



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