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Custom 1st person hands for new race?


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I've been through the Race form quite a bit, and I'm trying to figure out where I can specify my custom model for 1st person hands / arms. I know it can be done, I just can't find where I need to make the change. This is for a new playable race based off of the Imperials.


Any ideas?

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Um.. Just saying, but creation kit is kind of like a circle. Everything is based off of one another, so you could just reference of the imperial race, search up Imperial Race in the contents box and there'll be a race entry called that, then you can look around in there and I remember seeing a 1st person entry or model. If not, you can continue searching, there's body parts to every race and they are armor/armoraa entries i think. look there, make sure you make a copy of everything in theere cuz a lot of times people have missing heads n sht but its cuz in the armor addon, instead of leaving it as Default Race or some race, you gotta set it to your CUSTOM race, the one you just made.
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