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Scripting Help for Settlement System


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I'm looking for help from someone who's figured out how the scripting in this game works.


I'm trying to make a minor change to the script "workshopparentscript", but I don't want to modify the actual script itself. All I want to do is change 1 value. I could modify the script, but that would make this mod incompatible with anything else that modifies this script.


Specifically, is there a way to change the value on line 607?


; happiness modifier when an actor dies
float actorDeathHappinessModifier = -20.0 const
It's labeled as a const, which as far as I can tell is not accessible outside this script.
Is there any way to modify this value to 0 from an external source, or will I have to replace this script?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Theres no way to externally modify that float value from what I can see


That doesnt mean it cant be done though, you could just jury rig a fix

You could listen for actor death the same way WorkshopParent does, and when an actor dies you could modify happiness by +20, thatll net a happiness change of 0

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As far as i can see, the actorDeathHappinessModifier is only used by a function HandleActorDeath() (line 1173). Thus it should be possible to write a script which extends workshopparent.

Scriptname myExtenderScript extends WorkshopParentScript

function HandleActorDeath(WorkShopNPCScript deadActor, Actor akKiller)
    ; get actor's workshop
    WorkshopScript workshopRef = GetWorkshop(deadActor.GetWorkshopID())

    UnassignActor(deadActor, true)

This should override the original function. It doesn't modify happiness. (Not tested, though :whistling: )

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