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Interrupted Chargen Mirror Scene


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So I have a lot of mods installed and I know that can be a can of worms. But I created a character and played for a while with no troubles.
I later tried to create a second character - with _exactly the same mod setup that worked before_ but this time at the mirror scene Nora said "You're gonna na--" and then they just stood there idling, with no sliders or anything. Just stuck that way.
It's the same mod setup that worked just before.
I know, I know, the answer is "uninstall one mod at a time" or re-install the entire game. But the load times are pretty bad and with a huge number of mods, one at a time, I'll be here all day. and this mod load had already worked before!!

So I'm wondering if anyone just has had this experience and can just go "oh! Yeah! The interrupted chargen bug! That's caused by "x"" :wink:
Because that'll save me all day removing mods from a load order that was working fine until now. And yeah, I've already tried googling. If the answer is simple I must be blind. :smile:

Edited by SirDanest
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There are many mods that are start game unaware, some try to put stuff into player inventory and even force equip stuff. That can cause many and varied problems at or around the mirror scene.


Reason it may work one start and not the next is simply load time and latency, the stuff may not be running when it can cause problems. You can see the latency in the time it takes from pressing the [NEW GAME] button to the bypass credits [T] button whcih can be from 30 to 60 seconds.

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