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Involuntary Werewolf Transformations


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Well, I made my first werewolf character, and I was surprised to realize that the transformation is always voluntary. Personally, I'd love to see a few circumstances that can force involuntary transformations. I'm sooo tempted to try modding this myself, but I remember what happened the last time I got into game-modding: I ended up glued to my computer for several weeks, hehe. Anyway, I just thought I'd throw this idea out there in case it appeals to anyone else.


- Whenever a full moon is out. Plenty of people have discussed that, so I won't talk about it any more :)

- Whenever your health drops below some percentage, perhaps 25% or 10%.

- Whenever you get nearby a particular herb. I haven't seen this one mentioned anywhere, so I'll elaborate:


Herbs like wolfsbane are usually portrayed as harming or curing werewolves, but I think it's at least plausible that some herbs might force a werewolf to reveal their true form. Say, if you get within 10 feet. After a bit of thought, I think Nightshade would be the best candidate among existing in-game herbs:


- It's rare, but not too rare.

- It's (mostly) evenly distributed across Skyrim's provinces. (Picture what would happen if you used, say, Juniper Berries or Tundra Cotton: you wouldn't be able to take two steps in some provinces, but you'd be completely safe everywhere else.)

- It's got at least a bit of lore basis: according to the in-game book "Physicalities of Werewolves", belladonna berries have a negative effect on werewolves. If I'm not mistaken, Belladonna is an alternate name for the Deadly Nightshade plant.


Plus, since Nightshade occurs as both a harvest-able object and a pre-plucked reagent, you've got some freedom to decide which is easier to code: trigger werewolf form based on the proximity of un-harvested plants, or based on the proximity of pre-plucked flowers. Or both. *shrug*


Other candidates (none of these have a lore basis, but they've got a good degree of rarity, and either a "spooky" or magical vibe): Void Salts, Nirnroot, Hagraven Claws/Hagraven Feathers, Human Hearts/Human Flesh/Daedra Hearts, Glow Dust, Spriggan Sap/Taproots.

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