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SnapIntoInteraction Freezes Player Controls


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I am trying to use Papyrus to snap the player character into a furniture interaction.


t works fine on NPC Actors. But, when I run "playerRef.SnapIntoInteraction(customFurniture)" it temporarily fades the camera to black. Then when it fades back in, the player is in the right place, but the camera controls are frozen.


Does anyone know a way to do the snapintointeraction on the player and maintain camera controls?

Edited by dagobaking
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Looks like players could get stuck on benches if they turn off teleport spincam in my mod. In addition to relocating force first person code, I'm also going to try Game.SetPlayerAIDriven(false) just to see if that's a good backup or not.
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You could look into this


Beyond that, I cant really give you anything specific, Ive never tried or seen what youre looking to do


Thank you for taking a look. I tried using that to "unfreeze". But, it didn't work. It turned out to be something else (see below).


Interesting. Maybe mine works because I called Game.ForceFirstPerson() on lines 237 and 293.


Also see lines 204, 586, 625: https://pastebin.com/XJTvj7mG


Thank you. That is a helpful reference script for this type of thing.


It turns out that I was misunderstanding the cause of the problem. I was setting the player character to "Unconscious". That was (logically) disabling camera controls. So, I was able to get it all working properly once I removed that call.


Looks like players could get stuck on benches if they turn off teleport spincam in my mod. In addition to relocating force first person code, I'm also going to try Game.SetPlayerAIDriven(false) just to see if that's a good backup or not.


Interesting. I'm having a similar issue with characters sometimes getting stuck in furniture. It's rare enough that I'm going to move on to other things for now. But, I would be interested to hear any solution you come up with as I might need it also.


I see you make use of changing the ini settings for the spin effect. I've picked up a few of those ini commands from looking at other mods. But, it would be great to have a reference that explains all the settings available. Does such a reference exist? The wiki site has a page for INI settings. But, it doesn't seem to cover them all.

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Unfortunately, I haven't seen a list yet. I learned about the ini setting from steve40: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6114033-start-the-spinning-idle-camera/


I will try the furniture codes in a couple of days when I'm off work. If all else fails, my ugly failsafe would be to start a timer on snap, then teleport out of furniture if player hasn't moved in (60?) seconds. But the force first works after spincam, so it "should" work after furniture.

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