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Store all with a click of a button.


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I am looking to find out if a mod anyone knows of has a "store all" button. Logic being you can empty your inventory all out and start fresh. I tend collect a lot junk and it builds up. I try to sort it out but I would do better just emptying it all and starting from scratch.
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If you aren't using SkyUI (or are using the older SkyUI 2.2 that doesn't require SKSE64) you can use my Better Container Controls mod. I'll be updating it to work with SkyUI 5 once SKSE64 is out of alpha testing.


If you've jumped on the SKSE64 bandwagon already your best bet is the scripted sorting container system provided by some house mods which can grab all (or most) of your carried items. You might also be able to partially manage the problem using my Portable Containers mod. Since I like my portable containers I haven't checked but there might also be a bag of holding mod.

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