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Clearing your bounty


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On several occasions I've racked up a bounty without noticing or intending. I've tried the console commands to clear it, but it doesn't seem to work (I'm probably just doing it wrong). I'd pay the fine, but the guards attack me on site. Normally I wouldn't care, but some of the people I need to talk to (for quests) are attacking me. Is there someway to force the dialogue with the guard, or pay the fine? Anything is better than just getting attacked on site and racking up a huge bounty. It gets annoying having to reload a previously saved game just to go back before I had the bounty and playing a lot of stuff over again.
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paycrimegold <0-1> <0-1> <faction ID>

Pay the bounty for the faction targeted NPC belongs to (the bounty gold will be removed from your inventory). The first 0-1 choice refers to being sent to jail: entering 1 will let you be teleported to the respective faction's jail, entering 0 won't. The second 0-1 choice refers to keeping your stolen items: entering 0 means you do not lose your stolen items, entering 1 means you do. If you don't add any choice you will be sent to jail without losing your stolen items. The faction ID is needed if you can't target an NPC. May also help in case guards attack you on sight. Faction ID's are given below:

000267E3 Crime Faction Eastmarch (Windhelm)

00029DB0 Crime Faction Haafingar (Solitude)

0002816D Crime Faction Hjaalmarch (Morthal)

0002816C Crime Faction The Reach (Markarth)

0002816B Crime Faction The Rift (Riften)

000267EA Crime Faction Whiterun

00028170 Crime Faction Winterhold

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  • 5 years later...

Would be nice if there was an option to walk into the dungeon and casually pay off lesser bounties (like that 40 gold bounty in Whiterun I have) no muss no fuss, no awkward "You must be mistaken" conversation with a guard.


"There's no need to make a big deal out of this, is there? Here's the gold."

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