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Exploding cars-is there a way to make a handful of cars indestructale through a console command or some such?


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Hey folks. I've looked around for about an hour now and can't seem to find this anywhere.

I don't want to install a mod that makes cars more robust....i have too many mods already.

In 3 of my settlements I have a few cars. I want to make THOSE few cars (less than 10 in the entire game) not blow up when some mutant shows up with a big gun.

Yes, I realize I could wall them in with glass to protect them but that defeats the purpose. The settlement I'm working right now has 3 cars parked by the store and 2 trucks parked out by the timber. Getting them blown up if something makes it past my defenses would blow chunks.



Is there a console command or scrip or something I can run when selecting a car to change that one parameter to 'invulnerable'


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