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im trying to do a script that "sound" createDetectionEvent im the point between the player and a dead npc ,but i cant figure out how make this work , if someone have some info or can land a hand this is the protocode


; if player kill actor2

set Px to Player.GetPos X

set Py to Player.GetPos Y

set Pz to Player.GetPos Z

set ax to actor2.GetPos X

set ay to actor2.GetPos y

set az to actor2.GetPos z

set mmx to (px+ax)/2

set mmy to (py+ay)/2

set mmz to (pz+az)/2


mymarker.setpos x mmx

mymarker.setpos y mmy

mymarker.setpos z mmz



actor2.createDetectionEvent mymarker 100

Edited by betto212
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;if player kill actor2
set fAngle to Player.GetHeadingAngle Actor2

if fAngle < 0
   set fAngle to fAngle + 360

set Distance to player.getdistance actor2
set fActor2PosZ to Actor2.GetPos Z
set fDeltaZ to Player.GetPos Z - fActor2PosZ
set Distance to ( Distance * Distance ) - ( fDeltaZ * fDeltaZ )
set Distance to sqrt Distance
set Distance to Distance / 2

set MMX to Player.GetPos X + ( Distance * cos fAngle )
set MMY to Player.GetPos Y + ( Distance * sin fAngle )

MyMarker.setpos X MMX
MyMarker.SetPos Y MMY
MyMarker.SetPos Z fActor2PosZ + ( fDeltaZ / 2 )

;create the event at the marker


Try that. I wrote it pretty quickly and it may need a minus sign somewhere or a bit of tweaking. If it doesn't work, and you can't figure out why, send me a PM explaining what went wrong. GL!

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