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Conflict with Bethesda and Nexus


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  1. Yesterday I download mods, Skse . new install Nmm . Had major problem once downloaded and installed seventy Mod . All know good mods .

Problem came when Bethesda would not shut down Skyrim old . I did not realize what was happening . I had when minutes on my game screen modded . A gateway file anot so nice black box to the right had of my screen . Thinking it was a mod I started the process of stopping or deleting mods trying to find the culprit .

Was it Skse ... No . Was it Nexus I am not sure ?. Bethesda ? ...not sure .

No mods would delete from nexus NMM . my pc refused .

One of my SSD drives E/: .... disappeared from my system only returning once I shut my PC down so stopping Bethesda to stop Skyrim from running .

Rebooting I was left with no option but to delete NMM again .

Re down loading fixing Skyrim , I ran the game for few hours unmodded no problem so far .

Game did not touch past Alternate start .

Box file box . IP Gateway ? .

Refused to delete even when all mod stopped trying NMM tools all failed ..

Game CTD if attempted any game play .

All mods I used can be checked via my history .

Did use labs mods . Nothing that I have not used before .

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