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Camera "Gun" facing wrong way


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As part of a quest mod, I'm trying to make basic camera mechanics work in Fallout 4 (e.g. player uses the camera to take a picture of something for evidence and then give the evidence to another NPC).


So I started with the vanilla laser gun, reworked the stats, scripts, projectiles, etc., and replaced the vanilla laser gun mesh with the vanilla camera mesh, i.e. Props\Camera_Clean.nif


and can get the camera to do what I want via script, EXCEPT:


The camera is pointed the wrong way!


Without going into NifSkope, is there an easy way to fix this in Creation Kit so that when the player holds the camera in third person view, the camera is pointed at the target rather than at the player?


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Well there might be ways, but Id wager none of them are easy

Your best chance is to just go into NifSkope


If youre not familiar with NifSkope, rest assured that changing orientation is arguably one of the easiest things to do

You dont have to learn anything intricate for that

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