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Roll Back to 1.5?


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I've been experiencing all sorts of odd problems since the 1.5 upgrade - random CTDs anywhere & at any time, objects floating above tables instead of on them, NPC mouths not moving when they're talking ... ... ...


I've removed all mods & plug-ins apart from the two default ones, yet the game won't even start now - instant CTD after hitting load.


Is there a way to roll back to 1.4 - I'm rather reluctant to have to un-install the whole thing & start again!!


Sorry - that should of course read "Rollback FROM 1.5"!!! :confused:

Edited by Beoroth
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Thanks for that - Steam has now rolled back to 1.4.27.


Unfortunately, the game is still doing a CTD as soon as I hit "open".


I have un-installed every mod & plug-in, I'm using the correct version of SKSE, yet the game won't even start now.


Anybody got any ideas?



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What mods do you or did you have installed .maybe you tried this but start putting mods back in one at a time .. are you using NMM .. double check your data folder make sure there isn't an esp still there that may be depending on a master thats not there

try and verify game cache through steam its under game properties in steam at worse case since you uninstalled mods delete your data folder and let steam verify and replace files

Start the game without skse just through the normal launcher ..

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