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Varied Magic


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I know people beat the new magic whatever to death, but I'd like to see some other schools of magic introduced. For instance:


Nature's Grasp (Druid): Cast a spell, vines grab the enemy and root them.


Fist of the Mountain (Geomancer): Stomp on the ground and send a column of rock spikes to smash your enemy.


Replace Consciousness(Psionist): Take control of an enemy.



Just some ideas. I have no clue whatsoever about how hard it is to even make a spell in the creation kit, or whether or not any of this is possible, but The Elder Scroll's magic system has always felt...Limited to me. There are soooo many different classes of "Magic User" out there that it seems an oversight to me to leave out all this juicy goodness.


On another note, why not spell finishers? I've seen bound swords take a dude's head off, but why hasn't anyone thought of doing it for the other spells? Another set of examples:


Flames: PC advances on the enemy and burns them to ashes, shoving his fire-shooting hand in their face.


Ice Storm: PC sends out the storm, then uses it to freeze the enemy into a solid ice block which kills them.


Lightning bolt: PC zaps the enemy once with the bolt to stun them, then two more times with the left and then right hand to blast the enemy into ashes.



Again, no idea about how difficult this would be, but I'd love to see it done, and would love to help out even more, in whatever way I can.

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