OldBigfoot25 Posted March 19, 2012 Share Posted March 19, 2012 I like to know what stats my followers have. For many stats I can find out (I'm on PC) by entering "GETAVINFO [sTAT]" on the selected NPC. So I can put HEAVYARMOR or TWOHANDED etc. for STAT and it works fine. BUT, if I try ARCHERY or BOW or BOWANDARROW or ARCHER or anything else I can think of, it "doesn't parse." How do I learn about archery anyway? Anybody know? Thanks in advance! :) OBF Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jbranin Posted March 19, 2012 Share Posted March 19, 2012 This is a great mod that should tell you everything you need http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10675 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xlcr Posted March 20, 2012 Share Posted March 20, 2012 hi OldBigfoot25, you're looking for console command GETAV MARKSMAN for the archery skill actor value.you'll find a lot more actor value codes here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:Actor_Value_Indicesif you wanna go nuts, cut/paste the text below into notepad, its messy so edit to your preference, save to '\SKYRIM' directory (not 'DATA') as 'G' (no .TXT extension). ;; ---------------------------------------------------------; ---------------------------------------------------------;'g' bat, getav statistical info.. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:Actor_Value_Indices;; getav WaitingForPlayer ; AI, returns if follower is waiting for player.; getav CombatHealthRegenMult ; Mult, How much faster you heal in combat. Default is 0,7= 70% of normal heal rate.; getav SneakPowerMod ; Mod.; getav LightArmorMod ; Mod.; getav LightArmorPowerMod ; Mod.; getav HeavyArmorMod ; Mod.; getav HeavyArmorPowerMod ; Mod.; getav ArmorPerks ; unk, Armor rating multiplier.; getav BlockPowerMod ; Mod.; getav MarksmanPowerMod ; Mod, Doesn't actually raise skill just counts in checks (theoretically).; getav BowStaggerBonus ; Stat, Chance to Stagger (like lv2 force shout) enemy with bow.; getav OneHandedPowerMod ; Mod, Doesn't actually raise skill just counts in checks (theoretically).; getav TwoHandedPowerMod ; Mod, Doesn't actually raise skill just counts in checks (theoretically).; getav WeaponSpeedMult ; Melee attack speed, Bow draw speed.; getav LeftWeaponSpeedMult ; Mult. ; getav AttackDamageMult ; Mult.; getav MeleeDamage ; Stat, weapon damage.; getav CritChance ; Stat, your chance to score a critical hit.; getav ReflectDamage ; Stat, Chance.; getav Mass ; Stat, hidden stat affects stagger etc.; ---------------------------------------------------------getav Aggression ; AI enum: unaggressive, aggressive, very aggressive, frenzied.getav Confidence ; AI Fight Willingness, enum: cowardly, cautious, average, brave, foolhardy.getav Energy ; AI.getav Morality ; AI enum: any crime, violence against enemies, property crime only, no crime.getav Mood ; AI enum: neutral, angry, fear, happy, sad, surprised, puzzled, disgusted.getav Assistance ; AI enum: helps nobody, allies, friends+allies.;getav Health ; Stat.getav HealRate ; Mult, Non-combat regen rate.getav HealRateMult ; Mult, health regen rate.getav Stamina ; Stat.getav StaminaRate ; Mult, Non-combat regen rate.getav StaminaRateMult ; Mult, stamina regen rate.;getav CarryWeight ; Stat, max carry weight without being forced to walk.getav InventoryWeight ; Stat, collective inventory weight of everything.getav SpeedMult ; Mult, Movement speed.getav Sneak ; Skill.getav SneakMod ; Mod.getav MovementNoiseMult ; Mod, AVMuffled.;getav LightArmor ; Skill.getav HeavyArmor ; Skill.getav Block ; Skill.getav BlockMod ; Mod.getav DamageResist ; Resist, Armor rating (physical damage resist).getav MagicResist ; Resist, Magic resistance.getav FireResist ; Resist, Fire resistance.getav FrostResist ; Resist, Frost resistance.getav ElectricResist ; Resist, Electricity resistance.;getav Marksman ; Skill.getav MarksmanMod ; Mod.getav OneHanded ; Skill.getav OneHandedMod ; Mod, Skill modifiers.getav TwoHanded ; Skill.getav TwoHandedMod ; Mod.getav Magicka ; Stat.;; ---------------------------------------------------------; --------------------------------------------------------- for follower: in console target your follower, type 'bat g'. for player: in console, type PRID PLAYER, <enter>, type 'bat g'.PgUp/PgDn to scroll thru the list.i've noticed some actor value stats you get may not necessarily reflect enchantments/etc; and,some values may be dependent on what the actor is doing at the time i'm guessing.happy hunting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magiii Posted March 20, 2012 Share Posted March 20, 2012 you should write getav marksmanship not archery Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OldBigfoot25 Posted March 20, 2012 Author Share Posted March 20, 2012 I like to know what stats my followers have. For many stats I can find out (I'm on PC) by entering "GETAVINFO [sTAT]" on the selected NPC. So I can put HEAVYARMOR or TWOHANDED etc. for STAT and it works fine. BUT, if I try ARCHERY or BOW or BOWANDARROW or ARCHER or anything else I can think of, it "doesn't parse." How do I learn about archery anyway? Anybody know? Thanks in advance! :) OBF Thanks. I've downloaded many mods from there, but I missed that one. I'll give it a try. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OldBigfoot25 Posted March 20, 2012 Author Share Posted March 20, 2012 This is a great mod that should tell you everything you need http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10675 Thanks, I'll try that mod! I stupidly replied to my own post the first try. :-/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OldBigfoot25 Posted March 20, 2012 Author Share Posted March 20, 2012 hi OldBigfoot25, you're looking for console command GETAV MARKSMAN for the archery skill actor value.you'll find a lot more actor value codes here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:Actor_Value_Indicesif you wanna go nuts, cut/paste the text below into notepad, its messy so edit to your preference, save to '\SKYRIM' directory (not 'DATA') as 'G' (no .TXT extension). ;; ---------------------------------------------------------; ---------------------------------------------------------;'g' bat, getav statistical info.. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:Actor_Value_Indices;; getav WaitingForPlayer ; AI, returns if follower is waiting for player.; getav CombatHealthRegenMult ; Mult, How much faster you heal in combat. Default is 0,7= 70% of normal heal rate.; getav SneakPowerMod ; Mod.; getav LightArmorMod ; Mod.; getav LightArmorPowerMod ; Mod.; getav HeavyArmorMod ; Mod.; getav HeavyArmorPowerMod ; Mod.; getav ArmorPerks ; unk, Armor rating multiplier.; getav BlockPowerMod ; Mod.; getav MarksmanPowerMod ; Mod, Doesn't actually raise skill just counts in checks (theoretically).; getav BowStaggerBonus ; Stat, Chance to Stagger (like lv2 force shout) enemy with bow.; getav OneHandedPowerMod ; Mod, Doesn't actually raise skill just counts in checks (theoretically).; getav TwoHandedPowerMod ; Mod, Doesn't actually raise skill just counts in checks (theoretically).; getav WeaponSpeedMult ; Melee attack speed, Bow draw speed.; getav LeftWeaponSpeedMult ; Mult. ; getav AttackDamageMult ; Mult.; getav MeleeDamage ; Stat, weapon damage.; getav CritChance ; Stat, your chance to score a critical hit.; getav ReflectDamage ; Stat, Chance.; getav Mass ; Stat, hidden stat affects stagger etc.; ---------------------------------------------------------getav Aggression ; AI enum: unaggressive, aggressive, very aggressive, frenzied.getav Confidence ; AI Fight Willingness, enum: cowardly, cautious, average, brave, foolhardy.getav Energy ; AI.getav Morality ; AI enum: any crime, violence against enemies, property crime only, no crime.getav Mood ; AI enum: neutral, angry, fear, happy, sad, surprised, puzzled, disgusted.getav Assistance ; AI enum: helps nobody, allies, friends+allies.;getav Health ; Stat.getav HealRate ; Mult, Non-combat regen rate.getav HealRateMult ; Mult, health regen rate.getav Stamina ; Stat.getav StaminaRate ; Mult, Non-combat regen rate.getav StaminaRateMult ; Mult, stamina regen rate.;getav CarryWeight ; Stat, max carry weight without being forced to walk.getav InventoryWeight ; Stat, collective inventory weight of everything.getav SpeedMult ; Mult, Movement speed.getav Sneak ; Skill.getav SneakMod ; Mod.getav MovementNoiseMult ; Mod, AVMuffled.;getav LightArmor ; Skill.getav HeavyArmor ; Skill.getav Block ; Skill.getav BlockMod ; Mod.getav DamageResist ; Resist, Armor rating (physical damage resist).getav MagicResist ; Resist, Magic resistance.getav FireResist ; Resist, Fire resistance.getav FrostResist ; Resist, Frost resistance.getav ElectricResist ; Resist, Electricity resistance.;getav Marksman ; Skill.getav MarksmanMod ; Mod.getav OneHanded ; Skill.getav OneHandedMod ; Mod, Skill modifiers.getav TwoHanded ; Skill.getav TwoHandedMod ; Mod.getav Magicka ; Stat.;; ---------------------------------------------------------; --------------------------------------------------------- for follower: in console target your follower, type 'bat g'. for player: in console, type PRID PLAYER, <enter>, type 'bat g'.PgUp/PgDn to scroll thru the list.i've noticed some actor value stats you get may not necessarily reflect enchantments/etc; and,some values may be dependent on what the actor is doing at the time i'm guessing.happy hunting. AHA! Marksman! Thanks for the information! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OldBigfoot25 Posted March 20, 2012 Author Share Posted March 20, 2012 you should write getav marksmanship not archery Thanks I give it a try! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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