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Follower stats


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I like to know what stats my followers have. For many stats I can find out (I'm on PC) by entering "GETAVINFO [sTAT]" on the selected NPC. So I can put HEAVYARMOR or TWOHANDED etc. for STAT and it works fine. BUT, if I try ARCHERY or BOW or BOWANDARROW or ARCHER or anything else I can think of, it "doesn't parse." How do I learn about archery anyway? Anybody know? Thanks in advance! :)



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hi OldBigfoot25, you're looking for console command GETAV MARKSMAN for the archery skill actor value.

you'll find a lot more actor value codes here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:Actor_Value_Indices

if you wanna go nuts, cut/paste the text below into notepad, its messy so edit to your preference,

save to '\SKYRIM' directory (not 'DATA') as 'G' (no .TXT extension).



; ---------------------------------------------------------

; ---------------------------------------------------------

;'g' bat, getav statistical info.. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:Actor_Value_Indices


; getav WaitingForPlayer ; AI, returns if follower is waiting for player.

; getav CombatHealthRegenMult ; Mult, How much faster you heal in combat. Default is 0,7= 70% of normal heal rate.

; getav SneakPowerMod ; Mod.

; getav LightArmorMod ; Mod.

; getav LightArmorPowerMod ; Mod.

; getav HeavyArmorMod ; Mod.

; getav HeavyArmorPowerMod ; Mod.

; getav ArmorPerks ; unk, Armor rating multiplier.

; getav BlockPowerMod ; Mod.

; getav MarksmanPowerMod ; Mod, Doesn't actually raise skill just counts in checks (theoretically).

; getav BowStaggerBonus ; Stat, Chance to Stagger (like lv2 force shout) enemy with bow.

; getav OneHandedPowerMod ; Mod, Doesn't actually raise skill just counts in checks (theoretically).

; getav TwoHandedPowerMod ; Mod, Doesn't actually raise skill just counts in checks (theoretically).

; getav WeaponSpeedMult ; Melee attack speed, Bow draw speed.

; getav LeftWeaponSpeedMult ; Mult.

; getav AttackDamageMult ; Mult.

; getav MeleeDamage ; Stat, weapon damage.

; getav CritChance ; Stat, your chance to score a critical hit.

; getav ReflectDamage ; Stat, Chance.

; getav Mass ; Stat, hidden stat affects stagger etc.

; ---------------------------------------------------------

getav Aggression ; AI enum: unaggressive, aggressive, very aggressive, frenzied.

getav Confidence ; AI Fight Willingness, enum: cowardly, cautious, average, brave, foolhardy.

getav Energy ; AI.

getav Morality ; AI enum: any crime, violence against enemies, property crime only, no crime.

getav Mood ; AI enum: neutral, angry, fear, happy, sad, surprised, puzzled, disgusted.

getav Assistance ; AI enum: helps nobody, allies, friends+allies.


getav Health ; Stat.

getav HealRate ; Mult, Non-combat regen rate.

getav HealRateMult ; Mult, health regen rate.

getav Stamina ; Stat.

getav StaminaRate ; Mult, Non-combat regen rate.

getav StaminaRateMult ; Mult, stamina regen rate.


getav CarryWeight ; Stat, max carry weight without being forced to walk.

getav InventoryWeight ; Stat, collective inventory weight of everything.

getav SpeedMult ; Mult, Movement speed.

getav Sneak ; Skill.

getav SneakMod ; Mod.

getav MovementNoiseMult ; Mod, AVMuffled.


getav LightArmor ; Skill.

getav HeavyArmor ; Skill.

getav Block ; Skill.

getav BlockMod ; Mod.

getav DamageResist ; Resist, Armor rating (physical damage resist).

getav MagicResist ; Resist, Magic resistance.

getav FireResist ; Resist, Fire resistance.

getav FrostResist ; Resist, Frost resistance.

getav ElectricResist ; Resist, Electricity resistance.


getav Marksman ; Skill.

getav MarksmanMod ; Mod.

getav OneHanded ; Skill.

getav OneHandedMod ; Mod, Skill modifiers.

getav TwoHanded ; Skill.

getav TwoHandedMod ; Mod.

getav Magicka ; Stat.


; ---------------------------------------------------------

; ---------------------------------------------------------


for follower: in console target your follower, type 'bat g'.

for player: in console, type PRID PLAYER, <enter>, type 'bat g'.

PgUp/PgDn to scroll thru the list.

i've noticed some actor value stats you get may not necessarily reflect enchantments/etc; and,

some values may be dependent on what the actor is doing at the time i'm guessing.

happy hunting.

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I like to know what stats my followers have. For many stats I can find out (I'm on PC) by entering "GETAVINFO [sTAT]" on the selected NPC. So I can put HEAVYARMOR or TWOHANDED etc. for STAT and it works fine. BUT, if I try ARCHERY or BOW or BOWANDARROW or ARCHER or anything else I can think of, it "doesn't parse." How do I learn about archery anyway? Anybody know? Thanks in advance! :)




Thanks. I've downloaded many mods from there, but I missed that one. I'll give it a try. :)

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hi OldBigfoot25, you're looking for console command GETAV MARKSMAN for the archery skill actor value.

you'll find a lot more actor value codes here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:Actor_Value_Indices

if you wanna go nuts, cut/paste the text below into notepad, its messy so edit to your preference,

save to '\SKYRIM' directory (not 'DATA') as 'G' (no .TXT extension).



; ---------------------------------------------------------

; ---------------------------------------------------------

;'g' bat, getav statistical info.. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:Actor_Value_Indices


; getav WaitingForPlayer ; AI, returns if follower is waiting for player.

; getav CombatHealthRegenMult ; Mult, How much faster you heal in combat. Default is 0,7= 70% of normal heal rate.

; getav SneakPowerMod ; Mod.

; getav LightArmorMod ; Mod.

; getav LightArmorPowerMod ; Mod.

; getav HeavyArmorMod ; Mod.

; getav HeavyArmorPowerMod ; Mod.

; getav ArmorPerks ; unk, Armor rating multiplier.

; getav BlockPowerMod ; Mod.

; getav MarksmanPowerMod ; Mod, Doesn't actually raise skill just counts in checks (theoretically).

; getav BowStaggerBonus ; Stat, Chance to Stagger (like lv2 force shout) enemy with bow.

; getav OneHandedPowerMod ; Mod, Doesn't actually raise skill just counts in checks (theoretically).

; getav TwoHandedPowerMod ; Mod, Doesn't actually raise skill just counts in checks (theoretically).

; getav WeaponSpeedMult ; Melee attack speed, Bow draw speed.

; getav LeftWeaponSpeedMult ; Mult.

; getav AttackDamageMult ; Mult.

; getav MeleeDamage ; Stat, weapon damage.

; getav CritChance ; Stat, your chance to score a critical hit.

; getav ReflectDamage ; Stat, Chance.

; getav Mass ; Stat, hidden stat affects stagger etc.

; ---------------------------------------------------------

getav Aggression ; AI enum: unaggressive, aggressive, very aggressive, frenzied.

getav Confidence ; AI Fight Willingness, enum: cowardly, cautious, average, brave, foolhardy.

getav Energy ; AI.

getav Morality ; AI enum: any crime, violence against enemies, property crime only, no crime.

getav Mood ; AI enum: neutral, angry, fear, happy, sad, surprised, puzzled, disgusted.

getav Assistance ; AI enum: helps nobody, allies, friends+allies.


getav Health ; Stat.

getav HealRate ; Mult, Non-combat regen rate.

getav HealRateMult ; Mult, health regen rate.

getav Stamina ; Stat.

getav StaminaRate ; Mult, Non-combat regen rate.

getav StaminaRateMult ; Mult, stamina regen rate.


getav CarryWeight ; Stat, max carry weight without being forced to walk.

getav InventoryWeight ; Stat, collective inventory weight of everything.

getav SpeedMult ; Mult, Movement speed.

getav Sneak ; Skill.

getav SneakMod ; Mod.

getav MovementNoiseMult ; Mod, AVMuffled.


getav LightArmor ; Skill.

getav HeavyArmor ; Skill.

getav Block ; Skill.

getav BlockMod ; Mod.

getav DamageResist ; Resist, Armor rating (physical damage resist).

getav MagicResist ; Resist, Magic resistance.

getav FireResist ; Resist, Fire resistance.

getav FrostResist ; Resist, Frost resistance.

getav ElectricResist ; Resist, Electricity resistance.


getav Marksman ; Skill.

getav MarksmanMod ; Mod.

getav OneHanded ; Skill.

getav OneHandedMod ; Mod, Skill modifiers.

getav TwoHanded ; Skill.

getav TwoHandedMod ; Mod.

getav Magicka ; Stat.


; ---------------------------------------------------------

; ---------------------------------------------------------


for follower: in console target your follower, type 'bat g'.

for player: in console, type PRID PLAYER, <enter>, type 'bat g'.

PgUp/PgDn to scroll thru the list.

i've noticed some actor value stats you get may not necessarily reflect enchantments/etc; and,

some values may be dependent on what the actor is doing at the time i'm guessing.

happy hunting.



AHA! Marksman! Thanks for the information! :)

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