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Suggestion about Gold and Treasures to decorate house?


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Hello there, sorry to be asking this but I really didn't find in search tool mods about that.

I am looking for mods that add new gold items and treasure items in the game, that enables me to use them to decorate my house.

Just as for example:

New gold statues, gold weapons, different kinds of coins and those things... I guess you understand. I want gold items, precious stones and that kind of stuff to decorate my house, to show that I am rich lol

Also, if possible, a mod that have some quests to do in order to pick those things.

Thank you and sorry to be asking, I've searched but didn't really found this.

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LC_Immersive Looting: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44106
Treasure Crafting: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23924/
Goldpiles: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48869
More Interesting Loot: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48869


No quests on these, most of them just add items to the loot tables of boss chests. So they kinda of tie into all existing quests? Sorta.


More Interesting Loot includes some of the same gold items as LC_Immersive and Treasure Crafting. Goldpiles has a small dungeon that contains extra large gold bars and diamonds (you could accomplish the same with the resizing option of Jaxzon Positioner). It also has a spell that lets you drop a pile of 100 gold.


You might find some more in https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/categories/92/

Edited by DarkRudra
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This is somekind of place in the expansion? I just installed the game again (I've never played the expasions) and just starting it over. Where is this place? And is there possible to grab those kind of treasure and bring it to my house?

Edited by Aiyan77
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Where is this palace? Is it in the expansion? I've just installed the game again, finished it about 10 times years ago but never played the xpacs.

Oh, it's a mod by pkco2. One of the best player homes I've seen so far. Has two dungeons filled with high level enemies with treasure rooms at the end.



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