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Very odd issue becoming vampire (not VL)


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Hey Guys! I originally posted this in general discussion earlier today but realized it is probably best answered here


So I make a really good character with the concept of role playing vampire. I get the disease while doing part 2 of the companion quest, wait 3 days, I get the message of turning to vamp and turn that odd purple color when something isnt right and then...nothing. No vamp, no disease.

I ran loot and no conflicts.

I had previously done BV so wanted to go Sacrosanct. So I tried removing all BV things, including BV uninstall off the page. No difference. I installed BV with Sacrosanct/BV patch. No difference. I removed Sancrosanct and Sacro/BV patch. No difference.

But I logged on another character and successfully became a vamp.

Go figure.

Any ideas how to fix this? Really like the character look so dont want to make over if I can salvage this. And yes, his concept (and last name) is Volkihar so the vamp thing isnt something I can buypass.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

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