nagrom2608 Posted December 19, 2017 Share Posted December 19, 2017 (edited) Hi Guys. I'm back. Okay so I've been trying to follow sinitars guide for next gen looking graphics and as far as I can tell, I've installed the Rudy ENB correctly. However...... When I went into the game, the sky looked horrendous. VERY low poly looking flat shaded thick bands. Instead of a nice gradual shading. I went back into my load order, and double checked that I had installed the enb version of Natural Lighting, and vivid atmospherics. To make sure I did, I installed the enb files again from the nexus. Now my game failed to load up a saved game. To TRY and get it back to how it was before, I reinstalled Rudy. With the hope of overwriting the NLVA enb. I installed the CoT version, as I know my game always ran with CoT. However, It still fails to load. Also BEFORE I started this project, I FIANALLY had my verdant/Flora overhaul working great. Now I seem to have lost all my grass again. Even though, as far as I know, they've not changed. My load order is: - 1 *Unmanaged: Dawnguard2 *Unmanaged: HearthFires3 *Unmanaged: Dragonborn4 +Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch5 *Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack016 *Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack027 *Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack038 +Unofficial High Resolution Patch9 +Optimized Vanilla Textures - HD10 +Optimized Dawnguard Textures - HD11 +Optimized HearthFires Textures - HD12 +Optimized Dragonborn Textures - HD13 +aMidianBorn Solstheim Landscape14 +Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute15 +Enhanced ENB Night Eye16 +SkyUI17 +Static Mesh Improvement Mod18 +Prisoner cart fix19 +Falskaar20 +Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery)21 +Forgotten Dungeons22 +Kynesguard and Daedra Hunter Weapons and Armor23 +Caranthir Tower Reborn24 +Hammet's Dungeon Packs for LE25 +Helgen Reborn26 +Skyrim Sewers 427 +Skyrim Underground28 +Beyond Skyrim - Bruma29 +Beyond Skyrim - Bruma - Tweaks Enhancements and Patches30 +Unique Border Gates31 +Skyrim Community College32 +Archery Gameplay Overhaul33 +Dawn of Skyrim (Original Collection)34 +Towns and Villages Enhanced - Riften35 +Towns and Villages Enhanced - Whiterun36 +Towns and Villages Enhanced - Solitude37 +Towns and Villages Enhanced - Riverwood38 +Towns and Villages Enhanced - Windhelm39 +Towns and Villages Enhanced - Villages40 +Expanded Towns and Cities Im. Set. Merged File41 +Bring Out Your Dead42 +Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB43 +Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics44 +Climates Of Tamriel-V45 +Climates of Tamriel - Beyond Skyrim Bruma Patch46 +Falskaar - Climates of Tamriel patch47 +Supreme Storms48 +Ultra HD Transparent Snowflakes - Vivid Weathers Compatible49 +Lightning during Thunder Storms50 +True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone v1.551 +True Storms- Climates of Tamriel v5 patch52 +Wonders of Weather53 +Enhanced Lights and FX54 +Unofficial ELFX SMIM ENB fps performance patch55 +Compatibility Hotfix for ETaC and ELFX56 +Real Shelter - Full Release57 +Deadly_Dragons58 +Ultimate Combat59 +Frostfall 3.4 Release60 +Campfire - Complete Camping System61 +Tentapalooza for Campfire62 +Wet and Cold63 +Immersive College of Winterhold64 +Thunderchild - Epic Shouts and Immersion65 +Phenderix Magic Evolved66 +Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 267 +Enhanced Draugr FX68 +SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators69 +Skyrim Immersive Creatures70 +Dovahkiin Retreat Continued71 +Dovahkiin Hideout Continued72 +Peaceful Valley73 +Downreach Reborn - Player Home and Display Hall With Storage (Now with Mannequin Wardrobe Rooms)74 +Sjel Blad Castle75 +Immersive Armors76 +Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim77 +Wearable Lanterns78 +Enhanced Blood Textures79 +Lanterns of Skyrim - All In One80 +Lanterns of Skyrim Preset for Climates of Tamriel Lvl6 Night (with better flicker effect)81 +Lanterns Of Skyrim ELFX patch82 +Lanterns of Skyrim and Towns and Villages Enhanced patch83 +Royal Armory - New Artifacts84 +Immersive Patrols85 +Convenient Horses86 +D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly87 +Bruma Signs SMIM patch88 +Realistic Ragdolls and Force89 +Immersive Weapons90 +Celestial Bow91 +A Matter of Time - A HUD clock widget92 +Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO93 +Birds of Skyrim94 +Birds and Flocks Hearthfire Edition95 +Bells of Skyrim96 +Run For Your Lives97 +Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn98 +Divine Daedric Dawnbreaker (DDD)99 +Immersive Fallen Trees Mod100 +Deadly Spell Impacts101 +Skyrim Wayshrines - Immersive Fast Travel - SWIFT102 +Cloaks of Skyrim103 +IslandFastTravel - v1-2104 +Diverse Dragons Collection 2.0105 +Equip more Rings - English106 +Fishing In Skyrim107 +Hunterborn108 +The Huntsman109 +The Huntsman - Unofficial Patch Redux110 +Hunter's Cabin of Riverwood111 +Inconsequential NPCs112 -The Dance of Death - A Killmove Mod113 +Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade114 -UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul115 +Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks116 +Apotheosis - Lifeless Vaults117 +Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim118 +Atlas Map Markers - Updated with MCM119 +Animated Enchantments Overhaul120 +DK's Realistic and Lore-Friendly Nord Ships121 +Roadsigns Redone122 +A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads123 +Footprints124 +Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch Collection125 +Better Falskaar and Wyrmstooth Map With Roads126 +ETHEREAL CLOUDS127 +Bones and Skeletons Retexture128 +The Draugr Retexture129 +RUSTIC DRAGON CORPSE130 +Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks131 +Skyrim HD - 2K Textures132 +RUSTIC SOULGEMS133 +RUSTIC ALCHEMY and ENCHANTING TABLES134 +RUSTIC POTIONS and POISONS135 +RUSTIC CLUTTER COLLECTION136 +RUSTIC COOKING STATION137 +RUSTIC NORDIC MURALS138 +RUSTIC WORD WALLS139 +RUSTIC MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES140 +RUSTIC STANDING STONES141 +RUSTIC ELDERSCROLL142 +RUSTIC OVEN - Hearthfires143 +RUSTIC FORSWORN144 +RUSTIC POTTERY145 +RUSTIC DINNERWARE146 +RUSTIC SILVERWARE147 +RUSTIC EAST EMPIRE COMPANY SIGNAGE148 +RUSTIC DEATH HOUND149 +RUSTIC GARGOYLE150 +RUSTIC WOODPOST and LIGHTPOST151 +RUSTIC CLOTHING152 +Realistic HD Ingots153 +Realistic HD Ores154 +Realistic HD Blacksmith155 +Realistic HD Mushrooms156 +Realistic HD Food157 +Realistic HD PickAxe HIGH QUALITY158 +Realistic HD Woodcutter's Axe159 +Realistic HD Baskets160 +Realistic HD Beverages161 +Ancient Dwemer Metal162 +Better Females by Bella163 +Holidays164 +Imprefvicticious165 +aMidianBorn Nordic Carved166 +EASIER LOCKPICKING - Without Cheating - Nordic Retexture167 +Runed Nordic Weapons168 +A Hunters Life - Hunting Overhaul169 +VioLens - A Killmove Mod170 +Name Your Horse171 +Jaxonz Positioner172 +Dragons Giants Mammoths and Trolls Drop Skulls173 +All Races Drop Skulls174 +Rabbits of Skyrim175 +Herds176 +Royal Armory V2.0-81118-2-0177 +Snippy - Droid Follower (LE)178 +The Skyrim Distance Overhaul Beta (S.D.O.)179 +Realistic Water Two180 +Transparent wave spray Retexture by Pfuscher181 +Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two182 +Skyrim Flora Overhaul183 +Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin184 +Verdant no Road water grass and landscape edits185 +Realistic Aspen Trees186 +4K Parallax Treebark187 +Enhanced Vanilla Trees188 +Forest Bark189 +HD Photorealistic Ivy190 +Replacement Ivy191 *Unmanaged: Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix192 +Fences of Skyrim - No more flickering fences193 +RUGNAROK194 +SkyFalls and SkyMills - Animated Distant Waterfalls and WindMills195 +Ruins Clutter Improved196 +2K-4K Parallax Bridges by Pfuscher197 +Project Parallax - Roads and Bridges198 +Dawnguard Parallax199 +Glorious Fort Dawnguard200 +aMidianBorn Caves and Mines201 +4k Parallax Mines by Pfuscher202 +Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax203 +Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack204 +Dust Effects205 +Skyrim Subsurface Scattering Patch for ENB206 +Lorkhans Vision - Night Sky V2207 +Skygazer - Constellations HD 2K (with nebulae)208 +Skygazer Moons - Masser and Secunda Ultra HD 4K (2K and 1K) Moon Textures209 +Realistic Boat Bobbing210 +Skyforge Hotfix211 +Bonemold Hotfix212 +Staff of Magnus Hotfix213 +Giant222 +Joy of Ships224 +RUSTIC ANIMATED POTIONS and POISONS225 +Ultimate HD Torch226 +Forgotten Retex Project227 +Smoking Torches and Candles228 +Cloaks of the Nords229 +SkyFix - Unique Inn Signs HD230 +Arri's Snow Elf Ruins Retexture231 +JS Dragon Claws232 +LEAVES233 +WATERplants - retexture by Pfuscher234 +Farmhouse Chimneys235 +No Glowing Eyes - Draugr Skeleton or Both ESP version236 +Ultimate HD Fire Effects237 +Embers HD238 +PapyrusUtil - Modders Scripting Utility Functions239 +DynDOLOD Resources240 +SKSE ini pre-download for lazy users241 +Crash fixes242 +Load Game CTD Fix243 +SafetyLoad I'm buggered if I can figure out what I've done wrong. All I want is a game that'll run an enb with no issues. I seem to have NO end of problems with what SHOULD be a fairly easy task. How to these Skyrim geniuses get thier game looking so sweet, with no problems? Thanks in advance. Edited December 19, 2017 by nagrom2608 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grospolina Posted December 20, 2017 Share Posted December 20, 2017 To Do:Rudy ENB comes with a fix for the sky mesh (the banding that you're talking about), and I don't see it installed. Install the RAR file for Rudy ENB by using the Add Mod button (top-left), do a "Manual" install, right-click on "[ Data folder ]" and set it as Data.You can use the NLVA version or the CoT version, but not both. Again, disable the one you're not using on the left side.For NLVA, you need the data files from Vivid Weathers, but none of the ESPs. Not sure if you did that or not, since I don't see it in your mod list.Not sure what's wrong with your grass again. Make sure your INI files aren't set as read-only, or else your in-game settings won't save.Remove UFO and Dance of Death. There's no reason to keep them. If you want to keep them anyway, then be sure to uncheck them on the left side, not just in the Plugins tab.Move "Skyrim HD - 2K Textures" right after your Optimized Textures packs. Large textures packs should be high up, or else they might overwrite textures from smaller, more specific mods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nagrom2608 Posted December 20, 2017 Author Share Posted December 20, 2017 Thanks again. I've uninstalled the enb using the removal tool on the nexus. I'll reinstall, and check these steps. UFO, and DoD are switched off in MO. As for the grass? I'm baffled. As far as I can tell, nothings changed with the ini settings. I'll have to some more investigating on that. Cheers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nagrom2608 Posted December 21, 2017 Author Share Posted December 21, 2017 Okay made those changes. Only problem is, somehow my saves have become bugged. Due to a problem with the way Mod Organizer/Skyrim is handling the save files, Overwriting the same files, and not creating any new ones, I'll have to go to a very old save to test it. Thanks again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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