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Cannot start Skyrim With MO


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just recently decided to go back to Skyrim after I've not played for a while, haven't installed any new mods since last time I launched the game, but for some reason every time I try to start Skyrim either with the regular launcher, or SKSE from Mod Organizer my game crashes before it gets to the game launch screen. It starts to launch, but then it crashes most of the time as soon as the Bethesda logo come up. I did manage to launch it once, and start a new game, but none of my mods installed from MO where recognized by the game and it crashed 10 minutes after that.


Anyone have any idea what is going on? I do not believe the game has updated since I last launched it, but that was a month or so before the whole payed mods thing Beth did with FO4, so I am not sure if anything got changed in Skyrim as well.


And I am curious as to why when I did, eventually, get it to successfully launch it didn't recognize any of the moods installed. Not sure if this is two separate problems, or if they are related. Truth be told, I am at a loss here. So any help would be appreciated, thanks.


Edited to Add: I CAN start the game with the default launcher, the default exe & SKSE from my directory or through Steam, I just cannot launch any of them through Mod Organizer.

Edited by gmg2dave
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sounds to me like you may be missing a master file? that's a common cause of CTD when launching the game. do you use loot? if not, you should install it https://github.com/loot/loot/releases/tag/0.12.1 and let it sort your load order. you do have to add it as an executable through mod organizer, and when it sorts everything it should be able to tell you if any of your mods are missing necessary master files. like if a mod requires a dlc you aren't running, or requires another mod you don't have.

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