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Skyrim CSI and others


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One thing that the Bethesda games have always enticed is the amalgamation of different games/stories/characters etc with the current game. It may not be lore friendly but it usually has been fun!


A common example is the Lord of the Rings content (places, armour and weapons) that certainly has a nexus with the period circa and environment.


It would be an interesting concept to merge some of the current television dramas with the skyrim game!


I mean with the Dragonborne pressing through multiple dungeons slaughtering everything that raises its head, you'd think that a CSI team would be sifting through his/her aftermath complete with gloves and dry throw-away quips. Perhaps there should be a mod called Skyrim CSI with agents scouring through the aftermath, finding dropped amulets or perhaps the residue of a wayward ice spell that might reveal the mass murderer.


And with the crossing of multiple Holds it would surely attract the FBI Behavioural Annalysis Unit. This could be a mod called Skyrim Minds where a team puts together a profile on this unsub who calls himself "Dragonborne" and tracks him down to stop his/her mace flailing terrorism.


Or with the supernatural aspect of the Skyrim game you could have Dean and Sam running throughout the land in a mod called Skyrimnatural where they hunt down vampires, monsters, draugh with the assistance of a gruffy fatherly figure named Bobby in search of the yellow eyed daedra, locking a major demon character back into Oblivion, or thwarting a Leviathan type character (depending on your season preference).


So many possibilities!


Any other television integration mods come to mind?

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make it! I was working on a mod who's story was based, in part, on a group of people concerned with cleaning their money. After a while I realized there is no skyim IRS, why would you need to launder? I just changed it up a bit, but this sort of organization would give reason to apply some organized crime themes in skyrim mods. Lots of entertaining story possibilities there too.
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ooohh. The Skyranos! Nice call!


Of course the mods wouldn't have to be drama oriented. They could be sit-com style too.


I mean how would it be that you are sitting at the bar of the Sleeping Giant and all of a sudden a Nord by the name of Norm strolls in and the music of Cheers starts to play. Ahhhh, where everybody knows your name!


In regard to the IRS idea, if there was going to be a tax collector character it would have to be in the form of a hagraven. A souless creature that paralyses people with the spell of audit! :facepalm:

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