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Hello Nexus modders and mod community. For the longest time I've been scouring the internet to find funny companion mods for fallout 4. Even though I've found quite a few, I'm still yet to find a fully voiced Hank Hill companion mod. If there are any modders who have been considering to make such a mod and need a voice actor, then look no further. I've been told I can do a pretty mean Hank Hill impression and think it would be pretty cool to be apart of a mod project. Attached to this post will be a sample of my Mediocre impersonation. Let me know what you guys think, and if anyone's interested, contact me over the nexus dm thingy. Thanks.

PS; Apologies if the "I'm gonna Kick your ass" sample is too loud. It's my first time using Audacity to record my voice.

Edited by FONV13
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