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Setting a custom race to a custom vampire race


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So, I have a custom added race that I want to use along with a vampire mod (specificly the http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10898 mod, Vampire FX).


The creator of this awesome mod made some fixes to the standard vampire races, and they all work perfectly.

My problem is that I want to make a custom race work with this mod. Whenever I become a vampire as the custom race, I become a vampire, that's fine, but I don't get all the powers and perks added by his mod. It's weird, as all the vampire races in his mod has been changed by the creator. One thing he did was to change the race name to "vampire" for all races, and on my loadlist I see the "vampire" race for all my native race characters.

My custom race however, stays the same race as it was, as a vampire.


I have tried to duplicate one of the vampire races, changed it to my liking and set the morph to the custom race. I have also tried adding both the custom race and the new vampire race to the PlayerVampireQuestScript, on all the places one would think it's needed, and the script compiles without errors, but it doesn't change anything.


What I did in the script was


Added the custom races to Race Property


Race Property CustomRace Auto

Race Property CustomRaceVampire Auto


Added the races to Function VampireChange


elseif (Target.GetActorBase().GetRace() == CustomRace)

CureRace = CustomRace



Added the races to Function VampireCure


elseif (Player.GetRace() == CustomRaceVampire)




Now I am at a loss, I have no idea where to turn next.

I need to get the game to recognize me as that custom vampire race, and forget that I am the custom race itself.


Thank you for your time.

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I was working on the same thing for my custom race and I finally found out how to do it.

You have to change the script just like you did (thx for that I was searching where to find the script myself)

THEN you have to :

-right click on the playervampirequestscript "Edit properties"

-find the property name "CustomRace" clik on it and you'll notice that there is no value to it.

-now click "Edit value" and set it to "CustomRace"(scroll-down) then "Auto-fill" do the same for "CustomRaceVampire" set the value to CustomRacevampire and here you go it works ;)


I know its a little late but I hope it still helped you .

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  • 2 months later...
I am having similar problems too I have everything working with my vampire custom race expect the scrpit is not changing my customrace to the customracevampire i created. Script edited and working fine all powers and vampirism added just no appearnce change. pissed off with teh whole thing also even adding the quest properties as shown in teh above post does nothing to help problem still endures Edited by robham63
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