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Idiot can't fire scripts on events


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Forgive my dumb question, but I wanted to give this Papyrus script a try. Unfortunately I'm failing at my first baby step: I want to fire up my script on specific player events. Its always frustrating to start on a new thing but if I could get this working I could try to learn something through trial and error.


Preferably I'd like to have a script run when the player gains a skill level.


So how do I do that? Do I find the ID: Player, Name: Prisoner object and add a script to it directly? If yes, do I write it a property to fire up skill level ups, and how would that happen?



Sorry, this is probably stupid easy, but all the tutorials seem to be about dropping pots into maps and at best firing script on looting and npc death. How about a sample code that just calls Debug.MessageBox on player gaining a skill or something like that?

Edited by Muazen
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This is a script for a magic effect of an ability on the player:


Scriptname fg109TestME02 extends ActiveMagicEffect  

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

Event OnTrackedStatsEvent(string asStat, int aiStatValue)
if (asStat == "Skill Increases")
	Debug.MessageBox(asStat + ": " + aiStatValue)

Edited by fg109
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I just used a magic effect because I prefer it. Lots of people use magic effects or reference aliases to attach scripts to the player. Of course, you can also attach a script to the player directly. I feel like it might lead to save game corruption or something if you later remove the mod though. But that's just a feeling, I don't know whether it will or not.


Bottom line, I use magic effects because that's what everybody else does.

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Well... you could create a start game enabled quest, add a quest script to it, add a spell property to the script, then script it to add the spell to the player in the OnInit() block.


This sounds interesting. Wonderful idea I will have to use that.

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Just a warning though, the OnInit() block runs twice in a row. So it's fine with spells (you can't have more than a single copy of a spell) but you end up with double the items unless you add a check to see if you already have the items.


It runs twice in a row because it runs once when the quest is started, and once when it is reset, but starting a quest causes it to reset (which also resets all the variables)...

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Just a warning though, the OnInit() block runs twice in a row. So it's fine with spells (you can't have more than a single copy of a spell) but you end up with double the items unless you add a check to see if you already have the items.


It runs twice in a row because it runs once when the quest is started, and once when it is reset, but starting a quest causes it to reset (which also resets all the variables)...


Interesting. I would probably only use this for spells and perks and stuff, to apply scaling scripts, so I don't see it being a problem. I don't even plan on messing with making quests, homes, or dungeons or anything I am more interested in gameplay mechanics.

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