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Hearthfire Style Mod


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Hi there. English is not my main language, so its hard for me to describe what I'm looking for, but I'll try anyways.

I'm looking for a mod (either for Skyrim SE, or the regular skyrim) that is exactly like the Hearthfire Addon.

Generally speaking, I like the aspect of having a house that I built by myself, and having to go through the effort of gathering the materials, chopping the wood, mining the stone, and using the materials to craft specific parts (like nails, hinges, locks, and so on) But as far as creativity goes, I have almost none to speak of. So for example, the very in-depth and advanced settlement building system from Fallout 4 is near useless in my hand, as I simply can't come up with cool, pleasing, practical, pretty houses to live in, let alone getting into the interior decoration of said house. The best I can come up with is a square room with basic furniture tacked on.

Which is why I loved hearthfire, because it allowed me to construct my own house, I had to work in getting the materials and crafting them (Nails, Hinges, etc). but the actual design of the house was not up for debate. I set down the floor, then pillars, then walls, then roof. And when it comes to interior decoration, I bought the furniture but the game took charge of decorating my house for me.

That's what I'm looking for. Both for Skyrim (SE or Normal) and for Fallout 4. A mod that lets me build several houses yet the houses are already "pre-built" so to speak, I just assemble the pieces in order, and the internal decoration is already taken care of once I obtain the furniture myself.

If at all possible, it would be nice if there were several designs to choose from. I tried looking at mods like these on the nexus, but what I found were just tweaks for Hearthfire instead. So I'm wondering if anyone has come across a mod like the one I'm asking for.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

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Here are some mods I have used that use the Hearthfires style building system. They don't provide much in the way of alternate designs, though. They're pretty well set in a single layout.



- A buildable town in the Rift. My favorite out of all of these. Good layout, a large player home with lots of room. You get to build buildings, then go inside them to build furniture, etc. Lots of shops, an inn, a guard house, walls for the guards to patrol, etc. Designed largely in the style of Falkreath or Riverwood (with a more sane layout). My only complaint is the lack of a smelter in the player home's crafting areas. By default, there's one outside the home just across the street, but I usually get one from another mod to place manually inside.



- Similar to Blackthorn, but on the other side of the map, near Markarth. Dwemer themed, but not as many buildings as Blackthorn. Still got an inn, shops, a big player home, guards, walls.


The Scarlett

- A buildable ship. Requires finishing a short dungeon to obtain it, then you can build a small port town in that dungeon. You don't build the ship itself, but the internal rooms are bare until you craft furniture and so on.


Fellkreath Cottage

- Smaller, just a player home, no town or other buildings. It's near Falkreath. Very nice, but I felt the internal rooms were a bit on the small side. That's not so good if you use multiple followers.


Mornfallow Manor

- In the area near Windhelm, you build the outer shell then move inside to fill out the house. It's nice, but most of the space is vertical rather than horizontal. The interior is basically one very tall room (three floors, as I recall) that could benefit from being wider.


If you want to find some more, I suggest doing a search with the term "buildable" or "build". That will pull up a fair number of similar mods. Also, check the other mods by the authors of these - the Blackthorn author has at least one more buildable house I didn't list here because I haven't tried it.

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