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In regards of the 1.5 patch and performance


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Since the 1.5 update I've lost close to 7 fps in overall performance, I am almost certain that this is because the grass now renders shadows (This killed my performance in Oblivion as well if this setting was turned on) Anyway is there anyway to turn this feature off? It doesn't seem Bethesda made an option to turn this off. Also if it isn't possible to turn off through the ini is there any chance of someone making a mod to return the shadows back to pre 1.5?
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Since the 1.5 update I've lost close to 7 fps in overall performance, I am almost certain that this is because the grass now renders shadows (This killed my performance in Oblivion as well if this setting was turned on) Anyway is there anyway to turn this feature off? It doesn't seem Bethesda made an option to turn this off. Also if it isn't possible to turn off through the ini is there any chance of someone making a mod to return the shadows back to pre 1.5?


In the skyrimprefs.ini find the line bDrawLandShadows=1 and set it to 0.


Having it off MAY cause other problems, though. Some people with ATI cards get a weird transparent overlay that only shows on the grass when it is turned off (with the 1.5 patch).


Either way, give that a try.

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I've also had a major fps loss here. Before the patch, everything was running smoothly at 45fps with dual nvidia gtx 260s with SLI, and a fps limiter to prevent slowdowns (I can actually run the game up to 60 fps, but any drop in fps causes too much of a slowdown for me to deal with). With the new grass shadows, fps drops down to 30 in areas with a lot of grass, trees, etc. I have the grass distance slider set to full and shadows on high. Moving the shadows down to medium didn't help. I couldn't use nik0li's suggestion, as bDrawLandShadows was already at 0. I set my fps limiter even lower to 40 and it's still dropping like a rock. I'm kinda pissed off that this was forced on us. I had shadows set to high instead of ultra for the very reason they make such a large impact on performance. My game was at the perfect "sweet spot" in terms of performance and graphics. Now this patch comes along and screws it all up... :wallbash:
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My framrate went down A LOT - from average 60fps to under 40! Interiors aren't affected but I doubt it's the grass shadow because I had set bTreesReceiveShadows=1 and bDrawLandShadows=1 manually a while ago. What else could cause this? Edited by gurgelstock
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Radeon HD 9650 for me.


It seems this might be related to the grass after all? I noticed the framerate loss is different in some areas, I could actually 'track' it via fraps. In one swampy area with lots of grass, I will now get around 30fps; after disabling Glorious Grasses, around 40. I can't say what fps I had in that area before updating, but I know for sure that there is an overall drop of fps. Some areas are barely affected and I will get my 60fps, but in others - where I know I had around 60 before updaing, I am now at 37-45. Might be related to mods of course but that doesn't change the fact that this problem didn't exist before v1.5...

Edited by gurgelstock
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