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Nexus Mod Manager Game Detection


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Weird stuff, I'm no developer (by a long shot) but could it just be something went wrong in the DL/install? The auto-detection thing confused the heck out of me when I upgraded my NMM (albeit to version just prior to the current one - never did update to the current one) 'cuz the red x's did nothing, until I figured out that I had to click the (3) green checks for the detected games before clicking the red x for the game I didn't have. But if you can't check the green ones... I'm stumped and can only come up with the possiblity of a wonky download or something like that.
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You're right, the design is unfriendly. Your suggestion worked and saved me who-knows-how-many hours that would have been wasted. Thank you!

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  • 1 month later...

also, sorry for the double post, but I feel like this may help some people. This will show you how to skip the game searching for games you don't have, and help others get the greyed out "ok" to light up

1. The interface for this menu is very unintuitive.

2. To the upper right of each individual game it is searching for is a red "x" to cancel, click this for games you do not have

3. For game you do have, it should be detected quickly, otherwise manually tell it where the game is.

4. (and most important) for the games it did detect, YOU STILL HAVE TO CLICK ON THE GREEN CHECK MARK TO THAT GAMES UPPER RIGHT.


i know its dumb right? i launched it 3 times, thinking it was glitching out or something, but really they just poorly designed the interface lol.


Hope this helps anyone still having problems.

bsf1206, thanks so much for this info. I too launched it 3 times, but had to come here to get the answer, LOL. Poor interface!

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  • 5 months later...

That did it. While it was searching for the two games I didn't have I clicked the green check mark for the two I did and then cancelled the other two from searching and voila!


Thanks for this. I don't know if I would have found this on my own. This was driving me nuts after a re-install of NMM. I thought a green check mark meant an icon that it's good to go, not that it's a button for me to say "this is correct". Defininately needs a UI redesign. Maybe just showing the button outlines without needing to hover over them would be helpful for now.

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  • 1 year later...



I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I have a serious problem.


The game scanner does not even show the game Banished.


Any way to manually add a game to NMM to attach mods to?

Edited by Taidel
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