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[WIP]Vault 35


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Hello Guys


Basic Story-line:

Recently, rumors have been flying around about a vault which is still undiscovered deep underground and supposedly still alive. Find the vault, go in there if you dare and as the story unfolds, you will come to know the dark secrets of this military administrated vault which has somehow still survived and you will start questioning humanity. You may have to regret your actions as they will change how people have used to live there and you wont be able to undo what wrong you may have done at times unknowingly.


Should you really have gone into that vault? Can you undo your life in there and forget whats and whys?




Stay tuned for this is now under development. I am working alone on this, and for this mod to happen, I will need to make a lot of new resources. I will also be using some resources from this site and I will credit them properly with permissions where asked. I may also need help at times about specific scripting since I am not very well familiar with FO scripting criteria.


Vault Population:

  1. Vault Residents
  2. Vault Security (Generic Vault Armor Suits)
  3. Vault Military (Black Armor Suits)
  4. Overseer Guards (Hellfire Armor - Deathclaw level NPCs)
  5. Prisoners (Yellow Vault Suits)
  6. and more .. adding




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I am abondaning this project


GECK script editor is a piece of s#*! just like the company. There are no debugging or warnings and I cant waste my time trying to figure out a single line that where it is incorrect, I can rather go mod some other game




Plz delete this topic

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I have started reworking the project

Here is the map of new vault layout.


This is level 1, containing

  • Entry Point from caves
  • Connection Hub connecting ways to:
    • Lower levels
    • Quarters
    • Cafeteria
    • Generator Room
    • Atrium
    • Armory
    • Overseer Office
    • Overseer Guards Barrack
  • Elevator to connect various levels + stairs to all
  • Elevator from overseer office to his quarter on lower level


Since the vault is supposed to be hidden from the world being the military installation, the entry point is going to be deep within the water cave of B52 bomber sight. If there is any better entry point suggestion, please do let me know.



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