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Skyrim pixel glitch?


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I'm experiencing a strange pixelated problem on Skyrim (picture included) which started a few hours after I added some new mods. The pixels change place as the camera moves, and seem to be more concentrated on light sources. I have since tried running the game without mods and loading saves before this happened, both which were still affected. I have also used the 'delete local content' option on steam to remove the game and re-downloaded it, which didn't help either. I'd played over 100 hours and had no problems until now, and I don't know what to do.


Any help would be greatly appreciated,




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Sounds like you may have upgraded AMD driver? The latest driver glitches Skyrim. I had to unload completely and revert to previous version.


You're right. I did...

Stupidly I didn't see the connection.

If you're interested I googled it and supposedly there's another fix - you have to disable Anti-Aliasing, but that's far from ideal I know :/


Anyway, thanks for the help


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