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Create new condition?


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I want to create a new Condition that I can use for Entry Points in perks. The Condition that I want to make is GetArmorRating: one that checks the current value of the sArmorRating Game Setting. I could also meet the same goals by making a GetUnarmored condition that determines whether the player is unarmored by whether their Armor Rating is 0 or not. Does anyone know how to make new conditions? If so, could you help me make one?


Note: You may have seen this in the Troubleshooting Forum. I realized that this is probably the better place for such a request. Sorry.

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You can't make new commands and conditions in the CK. All of that is hardcoded.


If you are a hardcore computer programmer (as opposed to a modder) you could write a program analogous to Oblivion Script Extender for Skyrim. There are several competing Skyrim programs akin to OBSE. You might ask one of the teams if they would be interested in programming your command into their next version.

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I'm not sure enough of your actual intentions to directly address the question, but it seems like there would be a lot of ways around this.


I started typing questions, but there are so many it would be easier if you explain what you are trying to do a little more :D

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If you are a hardcore computer programmer (as opposed to a modder) you could write a program analogous to Oblivion Script Extender for Skyrim. There are several competing Skyrim programs akin to OBSE. You might ask one of the teams if they would be interested in programming your command into their next version.


Unfortunately I am nowhere near being a hardcore computer programmer. :-(

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You can't make new commands and conditions in the CK. All of that is hardcoded.


If you are a hardcore computer programmer (as opposed to a modder) you could write a program analogous to Oblivion Script Extender for Skyrim. There are several competing Skyrim programs akin to OBSE. You might ask one of the teams if they would be interested in programming your command into their next version.


I am working on my Way of the Monk mod. As a part of that, I am trying to add Unarmored perks. So, far I've just been writing unique scripts for each of them that check whether the armor rating is 0. That is really tedious and inneficient, though. I want some way to be able to just use a condition that lets me say Condition: if IsUnarmored == 1 then the perk does its thing.

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ha! here it is:


I was looking for how the alteration perk 'mage armor' checks for armor. It's not in the perk, as I'm sure you found.


Any alteration armor increasing spell, Oakenflesh for example.


Has 4 effects.


Base effect

effect if mage armor perk lvl 1

effect if mage armor perk lvl 2

effect if mage armor perk lvl 3


The key is how they check. They check with the condition "WornHasKeyword" and check for both keyword "ArmorLight" and keyword "ArmorHeavy"


This is usable in scripts via WornHasKeyword(Keyword akKeyword)


I think that should get you what you want? Even an example of exactly how to implement it as a perk :D

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ha! here it is:


I was looking for how the alteration perk 'mage armor' checks for armor. It's not in the perk, as I'm sure you found.


Any alteration armor increasing spell, Oakenflesh for example.


Has 4 effects.


Base effect

effect if mage armor perk lvl 1

effect if mage armor perk lvl 2

effect if mage armor perk lvl 3


The key is how they check. They check with the condition "WornHasKeyword" and check for both keyword "ArmorLight" and keyword "ArmorHeavy"


This is usable in scripts via WornHasKeyword(Keyword akKeyword)


I think that should get you what you want? Even an example of exactly how to implement it as a perk :D


Awesome! Thank you for your help! :D


I'm pretty tired now, but I'm going to create a WIP thread for the mod tommorrow. I have a two main problems that I need help with. I've noticed you on the other posts here, and you seem to be pretty helpful and thorough. Would you mind taking a look at my questions once they are posted tommorrow?

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