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Lets talk about blocking [reverse engineering/potential f4se plugin]


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blocking is a big topic for melee characters and has several in the way it works. Parry a deathclaw with your fists? No Problem. Parry Super Mutant Behemoth? Easy.

Blocking has never been so absurd as it is now.


Now comes the tricky question, where is it handled? Yesterday i've spend some time in the creation kit and looked for the block system. After that, my first guess is, its hardcoded.

There are some gamesettings, which probably have no effect, when changed. So the only possibility is probably to write a f4se plugin and fix blocking from the inside.


Am i wrong? Did i oversee anything in the creation kit, is there a way to change it somehow? If not, how would one try to fix that with an DLL file / how to find the functions / variables to edit it. I'm familiar with c++ but not with reverse engineering a game. Of course, it possible to look for values with cheat engine. But how can you find such things?


I appreciate any help on this topic.

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