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latest 1.4 patch works fine w/ my laptop,1.5 patch messes up shadowing


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i recently sub'd to the 1.5 beta patch after that i got flashy shadowing & no shadow for my player or ncp's/ last night i opted out of beta 1.5 (went back to latest 1.4 & everything was ok/back to normal.now since 1.5 went live my automatic update : ( put it to 1.5 again..and again ..same prob. how do i revert to the klast 1.4? if possible, or is there a fix for the 1.5? i heard/read that there might be a prob/conflict with AMD cards..which i have..is this the prob?is there a fix? or way to change settings to make things work, i already tried a lot to no avail...any help/info/advice is MUCH appreciated...thanks...
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My AMD 6970m's are not having any shadow flickering, but they were after patch 1.1 and pre-patch 1.4 so it is most likely driver related. Try doing a video driver update and see if the problem is fixed. Since the release of Skrim/BF3 AMD has been releasing a lot of new drivers to fix the problems they have been having.
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beyond tom, thanks..

ill try it but i heard a lot of bad feedback for ati drivers after 12.1 (which many people said 12.1 was great)...and is why i rolled back to it.you think updating to ther newest driver will help? well, why ask right?lol...ill try it and see what happens, maybe the new patch is compatible/words with the latest vid driver...i know, computers r trial & error..

THANKS again for youre response & advice, i appreciate it greatly....

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I wasn't sure which ones you are at. The 12.1 drivers are working great for me so I am staying on them but they may behave differently with different models. See what happens and hopefully the shadow flickering goes away. (Is it the really annoying flickering bug where your characters face doesn't stop flashing with shadow also?)
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hey bey tom,

just updated drivers to 12.2.same prob.but i think the prob is with the sky update 1.5. i was running 12.1, had sky update (latest) 1.4, than selected beta 1.5 & thats where the flickering shadows started.describing the prob (in game): depending on where youre standing youre either all in shadows or not. ex:if youre against a building wall youre in shadows..if you run from there out into the open it flashes to complete sunlight & does so acording to your positioning,movement,nothing smooth or transitional about it, like it was in update 1.4.very annoying..but also no matter what setting you select you cant get any self/npc shadows to show... i kinda verified this cause when 1.5 went live even though its beta i had the same old prob i did when i reverted back to 1.4 whenit was an option to do so..but i see no option to roll back update version here on steam....

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If you have Land Shadows turned on in the .ini, try turning them off. If that doesn't work, disable your mods in groups until you narrow down the possibilties and find the culprit. If it's not a mod... idk.
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I'm sorry to intrude, but what are the symptoms to your problem exactly?


Cause I think I have the same problem... Even uninstalled the game TWICE...


What happens in mine is simple:


If you're outside (more noticeable) in the sunlight, everything is very VERY bright (brighter than vanilla Skyrim)


If you move to the shade, the WHOLE world gets shaded.


It reminds me of a different game where when it rained and you moved under a bridge it stopped raining (even out of the bridge)...


Thanks in advance.

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