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Couple of simple ideas


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Hi all.


I am not a modder in any sense of the word, though I do have a good imagination.


I have come up with a couple of ideas if anyone wants to run with them


The First:


Can anyone make some form of homing missile. Either magic, or arrow, or both.


The magic one will be a single missile for each point in the school of destruction that will deal out 1 point of damage for each perk in the Destruction perk tree.


The arrow will be just an arrow that you fire and forget and it travels to where the first arrow hit. To reset just re-equip the arrows.


The Second:


Psionics. I don't mean spells that look pretty. I mean the correct form of manifesting powers instead of casting spells. None of these would constitute an aggressive act as Psionics is a power of thought and imagination and as such no one will know what you have done, so why would they attack you?


there are five powers that I can think of:


1) Mind Blast - Just looking at the target you will there head to explode ... and pop, brains as wallpaper.


2) Poltergeist - All objects around you start to fly off in random directions. Surprisingly none ever hit you.


3) Domination - Your mind takes over that of someone else. You basically play as that person or animal.


4) Elemental Control - You target a spot and either cause it to heat up, or cool down, or build in static charge.


5) Mind Wipe - You make people forget you are there. Bounties are forgotten, aggression is reduced to zero towards you.


I hope someone can help with one or more of these ideas.

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