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Steam has screwed me yet again


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I got this graphic error when i logged in yesterday. it effects all grass and small debris-like rocks. anyone else had this problem too? the horizontal lines are static and are visible "through" a translucent layer of the grass, or some such crap. gives me a head-ache. oh and it is impossible to see under water at all, everything is just green.


Why cant i just manually download and install patches for my self, this isn't an mmog



Edited by Oddjob83
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wow, i see what you mean with the grass. hmm, are you using any terrain or foliage enhancement mods, or new shader suits? Such as post process injectors, or just shader overhauls?
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It doesn't help you now, but for the future, grab a copy of my program Skyrim Unplugged. It allows you to force the disabling of Automatic Updates for Skyrim. I am currently sitting safely at 1.4.27 still. No backups required.


Nice, thanks for this. It's pretty annoying how Steam puts the option there to disable automatic updates, but it just re-enables itself after you set it. ;-;

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Its too bad we have to go above and beyond just enjoying our game, with the game community that sets the standard, here at Nexus. Instead of the synergy of all players and the incredibly talented modders working together, they force a rift in the gaming community by inundating us with unwanted Propaganda, advertising and ultimately, access to the games you paid for. STEAMypile is not gamer friendly. It stupifies gaming at its core. They tell you what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat. To bad all they feed you is what spews out of the STEAMypile machine.


STEAMypile'rs will say its not them, its the industry or developers. If thats the case, then don't make me go through STEAMypile and be subjected to every stinking piece of software THEY think I need. Let me decide. Let me run MY game how I want. Let this wonderful community collaberate on what is good, bad, and worthwhile letting me make the choice. STEAMypile services get shut down the second my game loads. I gain up to 15FPS when I turn that trash off.


amen sister!

I dislike this "service" more with each laggy click. Feels like I am being offered new kool-aid every day. Forcing updates, slow ass syncing and pop ups (even when I have them disabled) is soooo annoying. By the Gods it smells like AOL in there! :verymad:

Edited by xenfrog
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So when you say "disable", you just mean "set to offline mode"? If there's a more extensive legal way to do it, I'd like to hear it. :biggrin:

Since the 1.5 patch I've heard rumors that Steam updates your game even through offline mode. Sure, it's probably just some noobrage because the guy forgot to set it to offline and won't admit it, but better safe than sorry. After all you know the 1.6 patch (or at least 1.7) is going to force horse armor upon us, and then later ask us to pay for it, lol.

Edited by Rennn
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If you have win7 you can just rightclick on skyrim.exe and go to previous versions and copy that out to your folder.

Once steam thinks you have updated it won't check and update again.


I always make a backup of each exe version in separate folders just in case s*** like this happens.


My steamapps\common\ folder looks like this:



skyrim 1.3.1\

skyrim 1.4.1\

skyrim 1.4.27\

skyrim mods\

Edited by dale888
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It doesn't help you now, but for the future, grab a copy of my program Skyrim Unplugged. It allows you to force the disabling of Automatic Updates for Skyrim. I am currently sitting safely at 1.4.27 still. No backups required.


Thanks. I'll give it a try. I'm actually going to give you some kudos for the heads-up. People are way too tight with kudos on this forum! :biggrin:


Offline mode isn't foolproof as Steam will require you to login periodically, at which point it will screw you by instantly starting any updates before the Steam client even opens. If Valve can't figure out a way for Steam to preserve your settings then it should kill the auto-update feature or at least have a prompt which asks whether you want the update. The fact that neither of these obvious measures have been implemented shows a major lack of respect on the part of Valve for it's paying customers. It feels strange saying that because when I bought the game, I thought I was doing business with Bethesda but somehow Valve has imposed itself on me.

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Sorry for that rant warning, I’m just a little pissed at this point. at everything. bethesda, valve/steam, the world etc.


Well, we can't blame you getting Steamed up. Steam deserve everyone's hatred and contempt, for imposing their incompetent will on everyone. We should start a movement of people who ask Bethesda to put out a non-steam version of Skyrim and every future game they make.



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