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Sooooooo.... What changes have you noticed in FO4?


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I have had this game for about 8 or 9 months now, and I have noticed some changes. Not sure if all changes are related to game play or Beth thinking they know better then me what I want, like:

I no longer find Synth components in almost every Synth, when I started this game I could save the game, kill the NPC and know if it was a synth or not.


Dogmeat is now just dog.

Cigarette machines hardly have cigarettes.

Dialog options have been trimmed to give the same response, with a few words preceding the response.

I just recently realized it, and wanted to see what other long time players have noticed.

I do let steam and Beth have their way with me so everything stays updated.


A good change. I can now get out of the shed at the drive-in.

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