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ESO promoting ModDrop (Possible mod thievery)


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Just an update, but I had given ESO 72 hours to not only take the video promoting Mod Drop down, but to denounce Mod Drop as well in order to retain me as a subscriber. Well this morning, that video has been taken down. Now to see if ESO makes a follow-up denouncing Mod Drop. This could end up being a case of a youtuber being unaware of Mod Drop's owners past and what it was really doing.


Edit: ESO Just posted up an apology video as well.

Edited by Kailia
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Nah that apology was only damage control for him. He obviously knew what he was doing and so did his friend Ultimate Immersion. And they still promoted the ShitDrop even when they found out all this stuff.
I can't forgive him until he denounces the mod stealing platform. What a disgusting guy ESO turned out to be.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey guys, sorry for writing in this old thread! I never knew what kind of sh*t this Moddrop thing is and so i installed it for doing a quick load order for my mods. Now i get an error and Moddrop tells me, that the service isn't running. So i decided to uninstall it but that doesn't work as well. I even downloaded other programs that should help me but everytime i get the message, that i don't have the permission to uninstall it. Does anyone have an idea how i can threw that sh*t from my computer?

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Hey guys, sorry for writing in this old thread! I never knew what kind of sh*t this Moddrop thing is and so i installed it for doing a quick load order for my mods. Now i get an error and Moddrop tells me, that the service isn't running. So i decided to uninstall it but that doesn't work as well. I even downloaded other programs that should help me but everytime i get the message, that i don't have the permission to uninstall it. Does anyone have an idea how i can threw that sh*t from my computer?


I never used that tool. How did you try to uninstall it? Via the Windows settings?

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