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Here's a step-by-step fix for wrong ver# in "Mod Ver" column of NMM.


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Here are instructions to correct the issue of a particular

version of a mod showing incorrect version number info

in Nexus Mod Manager's "Mod Version" column.

( even after installing the new version using the mod author's instructions )


Important extra info to know & keep in mind :

In NMM's "Mod Version" column, the ver # on the right side will almost always

( And be sure you do a fresh left-click on the "binocular with arrow" button. It does :

"Check for mod updates" ) show what NMM considers to be "highest" version number

among ALL the files on the mod's file page. ( Not including the files in the "Old files"

section, of course. ) If you have OCD (I might , :happy:), you can learn to correct issues

with the ver # in NMM's "Version Column" for files you see on the mod's Nexus web

site Files page: "Optional file(s)" or possibly even "Miscellaneous files", in your NMM

by editing the info.xml of their file, or creating an info.xml for it. ( Out of my scope

of instruction, for now, sorry. - Anybody else..? )

( Short story : Error is with the entry of version text in the info.xml file. )


Hello, Hello, Hello . . . Is anybody out there ? ? ? :wink:

Have you had this issue & had not known of a solution until

reading this ? Have you attempted this instruction ? :mellow:

Please provide me / our Nexus community, some considered,

constructive criticisms as I was hoping this would have been of

use to many, just as figuring it out has been a relief for me.

( As this is my 1st instructional post, of this kind,

I will appreciate your insight. :yes: Thank you. )

As Follows - We Will Edit a File in the Mod Archive

( Imaginary example : FunFallout4Mod-v1.23-12345-1-23. zip )


( 1 ) On your desktop, create a folder named ver-fixing_FO4Mod .

( replace FO4Mod with the name of the mod file you wish to correct. )


( 2 ) Also on your desktop, create a folder named ver-fixing_FO4Mod-Backups .

( replace FO4Mod with, again, the name of the mod file you wish to correct. )


( 3 ) On the Nexus Page for the mod, click on the "Manual Download"

button for the main mod file that shows incorrect version

number(s) in NMM's "Mod Version" column.

Always be sure you have installed the mod's new version following the mod

author's instructions. ( Or tried & trusted instructions found by you in the

mod's posts. Hint : Go in the mod's Forum posts, and, high up at top-right,

Left-click on "Search..." in the box : Search... [This Topic].

It's very helpful and a major time saver. )


( 4 ) Save the "Manual Download" of the mod into the folder step of ( 1 ).


( 5 ) Rename that mod file by adding " ver-wrong_ " to the beginning of it.


( 6 ) Expand ( aka un-compress ) it into that same folder.


( 7 ) Use windows explorer to open the folder named FOMod.


( 8 ) In that folder, you will see the file named info.xml.


( 9 ) Copy the info.xml file & paste it into the other folder named

ver-fixing_FO4Mod-Backups. ( This way, should you need to edit

that info.xml file again, you have a readily available backup. )


( 10 ) Right-Click info.xml & use the menu to edit it with Notepad++,

or the text editor of your choice.

( Notepad++ because it's very: full-featured, customizable, & responsive. )

( 11 ) Looking at the text in the info.xml file, the line :
<Version MachineVersion="####">####</Version>

( the two ####'s represent the version numbers in that line. The red is just for show. )

Sneeds to be changed to :
<Version MachineVersion="correct ver">correct ver</Version>

( the two correct ver's represent the correct ver #'s that you will type there ;

As you see on it's Nexus Mod Page File Section. ...The green is just for show. :happy:)

After correcting the version numbers in the info.xml file, select "save as"

in the menu of the editor you are using. In the file window that opens,

be sure the file will save to the work directory you created in this

instruction, and that it will save as info.xml. When sure of this, left click

the on the "Save" button, or "OK", to save it.


Now it's time to re-compress all the folders & files that were

inside of that mod's archive ( along with the info.xml you fixed )

( don't select / include the folder "ver-fixing_NameOfYourModWithVerError". )

( don't select / include the file "ver-wrong_NameOfYourModWithVerError". )

( 12 ) Use 7zip, or another compression tool, to compress these files

to an archive named the same as the original mod file's name.

( an imaginary example : FunFallout4Mod-v1.23-12345-1-23. zip )

The destination for this created archive file is still the work folder ,

see step ( 1 ) of this instruction.

Now to test your handy-work by manually installing that newly

version error fixed mod file... So.. In Nexus Mod Manager :

( Check to be sure that Nexus Mod Manager's icon is saved with

"run as administrator" ; It is widely reported to function best if that is done. )

( You can even "Google" / "Duck Duck Go" how to make an executable

"run as administrator" without that slightly annoying User Account popup.

It is a slightly technical process. I even at one point found a tool that allows

you to do it via a small GUI window, but I had to do something else and I didn't

follow-up before returning later.

(1) Left-Click on the + button.

(2) In the file selection window, select & open your desktop, then the

folder ver-fixing_NameOfYourModThatHadTheVersionIssue.

(3) Select the fixed mod file archive that has the same name as the

one you manually downloaded in this instruction.

(4) Left-Click the "Open" button ( bottom right ).


(5) Look at the version numbers showing in the version column.

Is it accurate now? If not, work your way thru the instructions.

( Might I suggest you copy these instructions & paste them into a word

processor like MS-Word, WordPad, or a MS-Word look-n-feel-alike such as

TextMaker or OpenOffice Writer. Save it as-is. From there, personalize the

document, remove lines, etc. Save it again but adding at the end of the

file-name : "_custom_01" )

About this info.xml ver # data entry :

It looks to me, so far, that the first ver # represents the version of the mod

in that particular FOMod (*1) package. It affects what ver # appears to the

left of the " / " symbol in the column named "Mod Version".

The second ver # , I think (*2) , represents what the mod author entered as the

version # that the main mod's current version showing on it's Nexus Mods Page

would be at the time. It would only affect what appears to the right of the " / "

symbol in NMM's "Mod Version". This is updated with what is currently in the

Nexus Server's info.xml ver #'s for that mod, when you are connected to the

internet, & you left-click on NMM's " binoculars with an arrow" button ( Which

does the function : "Fix download IDs and Check for mod updates" ).

That second ver # in your NMM's column named "Mod Version" will be changed

if the ver # that was in the info.xml in the FOMod in your computer before you

clicked the " binoculars with an arrow" is different from the ver # in the

FOMod file on the Nexus Server.

Are you wondering : " What about the mod ver info issue in

my NMM's own Mods Folder , why not edit that ? " . . .

Sure, works fine for me, so . . . :

How to find your NMM's Mods Folder ( if you didn't know ) :

1 - In NMM, go to the top toolbar & L-click the settings button ( blue & grey gears ).

2 - The Setting window appears. At the top, L-click on Fallout 4.

3 - There, you will see your NMM Mod Folder ; It's in the long box that follows

Mod Directory* : ( for me, I see E:/MxMods ; My folder name & location.)

4 - Go to your folder that appear in the long box after Mod Directory* :

5 - Now you basically follow the directions high above starting at step ( 7 ).

6 - Just remember to keep backing up original files prior to editing them.

For (*1) & (*2) info , click the Spoiler: Show box.

(*1) F a l l O u t M o d ( archive )

(*2) Well, I'm a begginer helpful silvery cosmic guy. :happy:

I hope that with this, your NMM use will be mostly free of this little bother.

From Me & My Family to you & yours, I wish a Prosperous & Happy New Year !

If this was helpful to you, or you just feel like it, please consider visiting

my Nexus Mods Profile Page ( it's ike a Greeting card from me )...

Then, if you wish, click the '' KUDOS '' button.

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