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Some more crashing and mod problems


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So i clean reinstalled my skyrim.

Installed less mods

here they are




WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm


DFG's Blade & Dagger Sheathe Sounds.esp

SoS - The Dungeons.esp

SoS - The Wilds.esp

Realistic Lighting.esp

Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp

Economics of Skyrim.esp


Crimson Tide - Blood.esp

WiS IV - Heroes & Villains.esp

Note: Use only one WiS IV - Heroes & villains esp

Auto Unequip Arrows.esp

DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp

Note: Make sure you have not switched DoF off in your ini file. If you don't see any effect, open you Skyrimprefs.ini and look for 'bDoDepthOfField'. Make sure it is set to 1.

IMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.esp

Dragonbone Weapons.esp

Masters of Death.esp

WiS IV - Normal mode.esp

Note: Use only one esp --- WiS IV - Rainbow mode or Normal mode or Golden Age or Dark Rainbow or Dark Age

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

WiS IV - Double fall damage.esp

WiS IV - Stealth Troubles.esp

WiS IV - Perks For NPCs.esp

WiS IV - NPCs Heal & Resurrect.esp

WiS IV - Bash & Power Attack.esp

WiS IV - Water Wars.esp

WiS IV - Armors & Blocks.esp

WiS IV - Fix FrostspiderGiant.esp


Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}



Better Dynamic Snow.esp


Improved Archery and Bows.esp


Uncle Sheo.esp



DeadlySpellimpacts - Two Fire.esp

Duel - Combat Realism.esp

Killmove +.esp


WiS IV - leveld World X1.esp

Note: Use only one WiS IV - leveld World esp


WiS IV - Races.esp

WiS IV - Blood Coins Slow.esp

Note: Use only one Blood Coins esp




DragonHitSoundFix - RAS.esp

MoM - Only Mastery Perks.esp

MoM - No Enchanting.esp

MoM - Mastery of Magicka.esp



Now you see, somebody already told me that i shouldn't have more then one esp for the Wis notifications. I double checked, i only have one, so why is it saying that i have 2?


So all my mods are working correctly except the auto arrow unequipping.

Also i still have the frame freezing problem shown

I disabled all mods and i still have this problem.

However when i enable all my mods, game audio continues, but the game freezes completely for a few seconds and completely crashes with no error message.


Cannot be hardware issues, because i run the game with ENBPM pretty good at decent fps besides the retarded freezing.


So mucho grassyass for takign the time to read this message and i hope someone will be able to help me out, peace out yo

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did you try del your ini's and let the game redo them? this has help some others get past similar issues. If gonna test after disable all mos I would recommend a new start to see if can get in and start playing ... some info from mods gets saved in your save and can cause a hickup when restart .. other then these i'd need more info but would recommend searching here and beth for crashing ctd or dimilar words to see what comes up.
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Hmm have seen a few posts on the grass over on bethsoft.com forums on this, can not recall what said as don't have myself, might want to go over there and see what they are saying. I look there 1st for these issues and then here. Just suggesting as I know this had=s been gone over there and some fixes proposed for this. If have catalyst drivers for video this is part of the issue .... check it out if not i'll try more to help but will be hard as do not have issue running into
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The grass issue has something to do with ENB, or older versions of it at least. I had the same problem, removing ENB helped. But I'm getting your same freeze frame problem, I have no clue what's starting it. I suppose like he said, a mod might have gotten stuck in my savegame. I just suppose I'll make a new character and test it out. But I've done the same, removed all mods, textures, reset inis, everything. If the new character doesn't work, I'm rolling it back to last version.
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Yes i just clean reinstalled. The problem is it keeps freezing on me every few seconds. Also the grass is f***ed up bad



Did you by chance hit the toggle on the grass, sky, water or anything in console? That will mess up your grass if your having problems, as it did my trees when I was crashing. Now I'm crashing every 20 minutes or so, and had to take off my skse. Found out that's what was making mine crash.

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