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Parrying dagger


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Hi. I'm looking for a mod that will allow my character to use the dagger carried in his left hand to block with (he has a one handed sword in his right hand). This kind of dagger is called a parrying dagger, but I don't need a special design for this mod. I just need a mod that will look at whatever weapon I'm carrying in my left hand and allow me to use it as though it's a shield. There was a mod that did this in Morrowind, which is where I first developed this character. Could someone out there point me in the direction of this mod if it already exists, or perhaps to some kind person who could make it for me? Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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You ought to check out the amazing work that Duke Patrick has done over at TesAlliance:



His mod allows you to parry with any weapon by hitting the arm of the attacker - clearly daggers are best for this as they are fast :)

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