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Need advice.


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So I had a plan to play a let's survive where a Breton travels across Skyrim to get to Winterhold so that he can become a better mage, I started at Falkreath. Damage set high, plenty of enemy/monster mods, frostfall, basic needs, etc, started out with nothing but a stone axe, a backpack, clothing, and a weak level 1 destruction spell, and never bothered to bring up the map.


I ran into a problem, I had expected to take a good number in-game days to get to my destiny, with fast travel disabled... However, I managed to get there within two days. The only threats I came across were bears, wolfs, and only two bandit forts, the journey lacked survival experience or struggle, my character didn't even die.


So my question to you guys is this: Are there any mods that will the journey more difficult/longer? perhaps mods that'll make the terrain more difficult to travel through along, obstacles to overcome, etc. Anything that'll delay my journey.

Edited by Kolagon
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