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How to make npc's randomly spawn custom items?


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What should I do to make randomly encountered npc's use my own personally added custom weapons in skyrim??? (Here is an example what I mean: Some bandit attacks me in a random encounter and he is using a weapon that I created.) Is this possible??? And how? PLLEEEAAAASEEE HEEELP!!!! I know how to give items via console, But how do I do it in CK?
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You would need to add your weapon to the packages or outfits that each bandit uses.


For instance the male nord 2-handed bandit would need to have his base id's inventory changed in the ck to use your 2 gander instead of his. This way whenever the game makes a random bandit and it turns out to be a male more 2 handed bandit your weapon will be used. But not a male redguard bandit so you need to edit each one.


But I'm sure some expert scripter can write a script to apply to all bandits upon creation.

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