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Really simple mod.


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Well i want a simple mod that makes enemys deal the damage of the hardest dificult, but still with the same HP of normal dificult.


Simple fast and clean.




assuming you have CKit


open it up click gameplay tab at top > then search fdiff


you should see fDiffMultHPToPCN ..... to means to player char, N is for normal or adept > change the 1 to a 2 and save....


will make adept do what you wanted.


if you dont have CK i could do it for ya

Edited by RMD768
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Well, The stupid way to do it is to go into the CK and double the stats on Each of the the weapons, or halve armor value . The sneaky way would be to half your hp advance on level up. but that would require a re-start of the character... and that would hurt.
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Well, The stupid way to do it is to go into the CK and double the stats on Each of the the weapons, or halve armor value . The sneaky way would be to half your hp advance on level up. but that would require a re-start of the character... and that would hurt.


keep in mind if you reduce health all healing/regeneration would be doubled effectivly . changing weapons and/ or armor wouldn't scale or effect magic spells, bleeds etc etc ...taking 2x damage on adept is exactly the same as the damage on master (master is 2x damage taken and 0.5 damage dealt compared to adept)

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