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Carry the wounded!!! Simple Request


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I wish to make mods of battle at larger scales and quests of rescuing damsels, but I am not at all familiar with modeling, or many other modding skills.



1. A way to help wounded when they are in animated wounded state, or within an added ragdoll state of critical injury. Wether with the heal animation like in the helgan scene, AND OR


2. An item that is used in a weapon or unused slot that is a person, wounded, or a damsel in fainted distress :biggrin: , so you can carry a wounded soldier from the field or a damsel from a dungeon. Just a simple model attachment or item. A basic wrapped model for wide use would be the easiest way, but offcourse you would be really awsome if you made an actual person, even just using a frozen model, of the ragdoll :) if thats possible.


3. Also I would like there to be Babies, with the already added teens and young children, a simple quick addition of sound linked child items, basically like a spell emmits a sound of crackling you link a small complition of basic baby sounds, crying, cooing, breathing. Add that to a small baby wrapped model for simplicity, no animation or even a face required if your scared of that. And you will have created babies in skyrim :)


I would make a mod to implement these into skyrim, Any mods with high immersion I will implement that are similar if I can, please, please, please. I may be able to texture models for my requests, hope I am not asking to much.


You are awsome if you do this!

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