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Killmove knockout effect


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Cinimatic abilities, such as knock our, with the bashing mace animation killmove, wound state stab or arrow, causing crawl or ragdoll. Best of all would be knockouts for unarmed combat, for imersion, because I am a immersion zealot on the little things, you would make the cinematic killmoves for most of the unarmed finishers and turn them into knockout moves, that last awhile for you to kill the person, or if you want to avoid bounty, you can only incompacitate them :biggrin: and run. Maybe this can be accomplished through effects after the killmove that revive the enemy after a short period, or a hand to hand wepon that has that effect if it must be done that way.


So awsome modders do this, cause I only have ideas, im to lazy and dumb to actually figure out how, I have tried and failed :yes: you will be famous for making it happen.

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