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open civil war open cities patch


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I think that the idea to make the cities open during battles (as they are with Open Cities during peace) is a valid request.


Most likely it would be done by

- overriding somehow the Open Cities to suppress falling back to closed cities during the sieges

- overriding the start of the cwfortsiegecapital quest which governs the part of the battle inside the walls (the phase that there are infinite soldier respawns, and the player task is to not get killed on the way to the jarls palace; open civil war or vanilla, it's all the same there).

- testing and figuring out what else needs to be done to fix whatever issues arise with that approach

- and also make it so for defense sieges, could be simpler because there's no cwfortsiegecapital phase there


There's a good chance that whatever makes it so for Whiterun / Solitude / Windhelm sieges will work out of the box for Markarth and Riften, too; or maybe there's going to be a simple patch required to get it to work with OCW or CWO.

Edited by simtam
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