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Body/Face color mismatch in CK


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Hello, i'm having a problem with the custom follower I made, it has a body and face color mismatch, the body's color is right but the face is wrong, I did the Ctrl + F4 Thing and created her facegen etc, but the color mismatch remains, already had this problem before and solved it but it's been so long I don't remember how i did solve it, and I wanted to change her messed up chin today so I had to redo the facegen part and now it's come to this, if someone can help me it would be nice, thanks in advance

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Basically got the same problem, except all my vanilla NPCs faces are a shade darker than their bodies. When I open the console and type "setnpcweight 0" the face color corrects to the body, but when I leave the NPC it reverts back to the the way it was. I'm thinking this is not an individual character problem, but a problem with the facegen files 'somewhere' in the system. I read somewhere once that you could go into the facegen files and delete them as they exist, but how do you know which ones to delete? I suppose I could make a backup copy of all the mesh and texture folders and just delete the facegens and see what happens. But, I'm thinkin' if I do this, I could really screw the DLCs up somehow, so I'm very reluctant to mess with it. Like you , I am seeking more expertise than I myself possess at this time. :confused:

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Hello, i'm having a problem with the custom follower I made, it has a body and face color mismatch, the body's color is right but the face is wrong, I did the Ctrl + F4 Thing and created her facegen etc, but the color mismatch remains, already had this problem before and solved it but it's been so long I don't remember how i did solve it, and I wanted to change her messed up chin today so I had to redo the facegen part and now it's come to this, if someone can help me it would be nice, thanks in advance

Make sure you do Ctrl+F4 after making any changes to the Actor object. After you made changes, did you start a new game or just load your save? If you loaded a save, then you may have to force it to reload the data. Try this:

  1. Make sure you know the weight of your follower.
  2. With your follower in view, open the console (~).
  3. Click on your follower.
  4. Type: setnpcweight 0
  5. Type: setnpcweight <weight>
  6. Type: disable
  7. Type: enable

This should reload your follower without resetting their inventory. If that doesn't work, you could try recycleactor, which will reset their inventory.


Usually when I'm making changes to a follower or other NPC, I'll try it in a new game in the test room like this:

  1. Start Skyrim.
  2. From the main menu, don't load a save game. Instead, open the console (~).
  3. Type: coc qasmoke
  4. Type: prid <RefID>
  5. Type: moveto player
  6. Repeat step 5. Sometimes once doesn't work.
  7. Check out the NPC.
  8. Quit without saving.

To get the RefID for the above method, do steps 2-3 from above (open console, click follower). The RefID is displayed on the top of the console, usually in the middle (e.g. c1002306).

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Basically got the same problem, except all my vanilla NPCs faces are a shade darker than their bodies. When I open the console and type "setnpcweight 0" the face color corrects to the body, but when I leave the NPC it reverts back to the the way it was. I'm thinking this is not an individual character problem, but a problem with the facegen files 'somewhere' in the system. I read somewhere once that you could go into the facegen files and delete them as they exist, but how do you know which ones to delete? I suppose I could make a backup copy of all the mesh and texture folders and just delete the facegens and see what happens. But, I'm thinkin' if I do this, I could really screw the DLCs up somehow, so I'm very reluctant to mess with it. Like you , I am seeking more expertise than I myself possess at this time. :confused:

The vanilla/DLC files are packed away in the BSA files, so any loose files you have come from mods. Even if you delete the entire textures and meshes directories, it won't affect your vanilla files. Also, deleting all of the FaceGen data won't always work, unless you disable the ESPs that are trying to use that data. The FaceGen data has to correspond to the ESP that comes with it.


Also, the FaceGen files are all named according to their BaseID. For example, Serana's BaseID is xx002B6C (where xx is the load order), so her mesh is found at: meshes\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\Dawnguard.esm\00002B6C.nif. You can look up vanilla NPC BaseIDs at UESP.net or Wikia.com.

  • Since you say it's all of your vanilla NPCs, are you using a mod that overhauls all NPCs, like WSCO/WICO?
  • Are you using NMM or MO?
  • If you're using NMM, then is your VirtualInstall folder on the same drive as your Skyrim main files?
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Basically got the same problem, except all my vanilla NPCs faces are a shade darker than their bodies. When I open the console and type "setnpcweight 0" the face color corrects to the body, but when I leave the NPC it reverts back to the the way it was. I'm thinking this is not an individual character problem, but a problem with the facegen files 'somewhere' in the system. I read somewhere once that you could go into the facegen files and delete them as they exist, but how do you know which ones to delete? I suppose I could make a backup copy of all the mesh and texture folders and just delete the facegens and see what happens. But, I'm thinkin' if I do this, I could really screw the DLCs up somehow, so I'm very reluctant to mess with it. Like you , I am seeking more expertise than I myself possess at this time. :confused:

The vanilla/DLC files are packed away in the BSA files, so any loose files you have come from mods. Even if you delete the entire textures and meshes directories, it won't affect your vanilla files. Also, deleting all of the FaceGen data won't always work, unless you disable the ESPs that are trying to use that data. The FaceGen data has to correspond to the ESP that comes with it.


Also, the FaceGen files are all named according to their BaseID. For example, Serana's BaseID is xx002B6C (where xx is the load order), so her mesh is found at: meshes\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\Dawnguard.esm\00002B6C.nif. You can look up vanilla NPC BaseIDs at UESP.net or Wikia.com.

  • Since you say it's all of your vanilla NPCs, are you using a mod that overhauls all NPCs, like WSCO/WICO?
  • Are you using NMM or MO?
  • If you're using NMM, then is your VirtualInstall folder on the same drive as your Skyrim main files?


1) No

2) NMM

3) Yes, C:\


I might mention also that this condition does not affect custom characters like Rigmor for example, because she is a standalone and not associated with any DLCs. I use Seranaholic and she was affected by the shade difference, but I was able to reset her npc weight and it locked in. But I am not so lucky with the other NPCs like Jordis, Jenassa, Aela, and Mjoll. Their faces are all a shade darker than their bodies. Can't seem to correct it. If I was confident enough to use the CK I could probably fix it, but I'm not real sure what I'm doing in there and I don't want to kill my game altogether.

Edited by varkonasnorse
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Can you post your load order? Are you using Bijin Warmaidens?

Ya, here ya go. As you can see, most of my mods are quests and adventures and not so much about followers and other NPCs. I suspect ApachiiHair might have something to do with my issue, but I can't verify it. I installed it to work with CBBE, and I don't know if it's affected by other body types. And no, I'm not using Bijin Warmaidens.
0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
6 6 EFFCore.esm
7 7 arnima.esm
8 8 ApachiiHair.esm
9 9 Helgen.esp
10 a armorebonyranger.esp
11 b HlaaluRetreat.esp
12 c Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
13 d guard dialogue overhaul.esp
14 e War With The Aldmeri Dominion - Invasion of Solstheim.esp
15 f cheat ring.esp
16 10 ogUnconditionalSleepHearthfire.esp
17 11 SkyUI.esp
18 12 ogDiverseDragons.esp
19 13 better honeyside.esp
20 14 theevilmansionde.esp
21 15 CultofAgnar.esp
22 16 TheVarangianCompany.esp
23 17 HammetDungeons.esp
24 18 sk_hubdungeon - copy.esp
25 19 morthalslegacy.esp
26 1a Volundr.esp
27 1b taleoffalcoe.esp
28 1c thedomain.esp
29 1d SolemnKeep.esp
30 1e hsfstockade.esp
31 1f ShadowOfTheDragonGod01.esp
32 20 Rebellion&Retribution.esp
33 21 immersive patrols ii.esp
34 22 EFFDialogue.esp
35 23 Serana Dialogue Edit.esp
36 24 ApachiiHairStyles.esp
37 25 Camomile.esp
38 26 tos_laintardale_hf.esp
39 27 sunkentemple.esp
40 28 Marriable Serana.esp
41 29 Avil.esp
42 2a visageofmzund.esp
43 2b tos_amber_guard.esp
44 2c orvarstomb2.esp
45 2d MODColdwaterCave.esp
46 2e tos_granitehall.esp
47 2f zach's dwemer cairn.esp
48 30 DragonUnderWhiterun.esp
49 31 PortalToHellFullVersion.esp
50 32 jorrvaskrmarker.esp
51 33 ApachiiHairStylesELVES.esp
52 34 AlikrDesert.esp
53 35 grylumstomb.esp
54 36 Talos Vos.esp
55 37 Fresh Faces - USLEEP.esp
56 38 Injustice by M7 001 2017.esp
57 39 tomb of garok.esp
58 3a ApotheosisDemo.esp
59 3b EasierRidersDungeonPack.esp
60 3c The Forgotten Island.esp
61 3d invasion_mummy001m7.esp
62 3e sk_threekingdoms.esp
63 3f The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
64 40 better skuldafn (by lyrielle2003).esp
65 41 gifts of the outsider.esp
66 42 Rigmor.esp
67 43 hrongar's_rest.esp
68 44 AnfangrumsPit.esp
69 45 Forgotten Crypt.esp
70 46 Sulfuras The Reclaimed Hand - Johnskyrim.esp
71 47 AuroranLagrieArmory.esp
72 48 konahrik, the priest.esp
73 49 gersonia.esp
74 4a crimsonquest2.esp
75 4b daedriseeker.esp
76 4c Rayg_NoBYOHAttacks.esp
77 4d UIExtensions.esp
78 4e calyps-bosmer.esp
79 4f samuraiarmor.esp
80 50 ebonyheartclan.esp
81 51 anyonefollows2.esp
82 52 bosmer jenessa.esp
83 53 moveitLWT.esp
84 54 Dragonborn - Dorethi.esp
85 55 MainMenuReplacerShroud.esp
86 56 OpenFaceGuardHelmets.esp
87 57 SuperUnrelentingForce.esp
88 58 PiyarzNetherScaleArmor.esp
89 59 Nightingale Maskless.esp
90 5a FNIS.esp
91 5b FasterCraftableCrossbowsStandAlone.esp
92 5c towConversation.esp
93 5d IngunMarry.esp
94 5e Serana.esp
95 5f Black Tower Island SSE.esp
96 60 the quickening HL 001M7.esp
97 61 ThadDLCAdditionsLakeview.esp
98 62 Suldorn.esp
99 63 pp_engelmannrest.esp
100 64 losttomb.esp
Edited by varkonasnorse
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Fresh Faces modifies Aela, Jordis and Mjoll, among others. Jenassa is modified by Bosmer Jenassa. Fresh Faces recommends making a tweak to SKSE.ini, so if you haven't done that then installing SKSE Memory Patch will take care of it.

They might be conflicting with other mods, so I would search your NMM VirtualInstall folder for these FaceGen files:

0001336B.nif (Mjoll)
0001A696.nif (Aela)
000A2C8F.nif (Jordis)
000B9982.nif (Jenassa)

The VirtualInstall folder name will tell you what mod it comes from. Decide on which NPC version you want to keep, then disable and enable that mod on the Mods tab in NMM so that it asks you which files to overwrite. Overwrite all files and then go to the Plugins tab and make sure that the ESP for that mod is somewhere below the other ones that affect those NPCs. For example:

  • In NMM, go to the Mods tab.
  • Disable Fresh Faces (double-click).
  • Enable Fresh Faces (double-click).
  • When it asks you what you want to overwrite, select "Yes to All".
  • Go to the Plugins tab.
  • Move Fresh Faces below any mods that affect NPCs.

If your search didn't find any other FaceGen files, then a mod could be modifying the NPC stats without changing their appearance, or they could be packed in BSA files (all Steam Workshop mods are required to do this). In this case, move Fresh Faces, Bosmer Jenassa and Seranaholic to the bottom of your load order (or get rid of them).

You may need to try the steps in my reply to Sesoku if you're loading a save.

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Can you post your load order? Are you using Bijin Warmaidens?

Ya, here ya go. As you can see, most of my mods are quests and adventures and not so much about followers and other NPCs. I suspect ApachiiHair might have something to do with my issue, but I can't verify it. I installed it to work with CBBE, and I don't know if it's affected by other body types. And no, I'm not using Bijin Warmaidens.
0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
6 6 EFFCore.esm
7 7 arnima.esm
8 8 ApachiiHair.esm
9 9 Helgen.esp
10 a armorebonyranger.esp
11 b HlaaluRetreat.esp
12 c Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
13 d guard dialogue overhaul.esp
14 e War With The Aldmeri Dominion - Invasion of Solstheim.esp
15 f cheat ring.esp
16 10 ogUnconditionalSleepHearthfire.esp
17 11 SkyUI.esp
18 12 ogDiverseDragons.esp
19 13 better honeyside.esp
20 14 theevilmansionde.esp
21 15 CultofAgnar.esp
22 16 TheVarangianCompany.esp
23 17 HammetDungeons.esp
24 18 sk_hubdungeon - copy.esp
25 19 morthalslegacy.esp
26 1a Volundr.esp
27 1b taleoffalcoe.esp
28 1c thedomain.esp
29 1d SolemnKeep.esp
30 1e hsfstockade.esp
31 1f ShadowOfTheDragonGod01.esp
32 20 Rebellion&Retribution.esp
33 21 immersive patrols ii.esp
34 22 EFFDialogue.esp
35 23 Serana Dialogue Edit.esp
36 24 ApachiiHairStyles.esp
37 25 Camomile.esp
38 26 tos_laintardale_hf.esp
39 27 sunkentemple.esp
40 28 Marriable Serana.esp
41 29 Avil.esp
42 2a visageofmzund.esp
43 2b tos_amber_guard.esp
44 2c orvarstomb2.esp
45 2d MODColdwaterCave.esp
46 2e tos_granitehall.esp
47 2f zach's dwemer cairn.esp
48 30 DragonUnderWhiterun.esp
49 31 PortalToHellFullVersion.esp
50 32 jorrvaskrmarker.esp
51 33 ApachiiHairStylesELVES.esp
52 34 AlikrDesert.esp
53 35 grylumstomb.esp
54 36 Talos Vos.esp
55 37 Fresh Faces - USLEEP.esp
56 38 Injustice by M7 001 2017.esp
57 39 tomb of garok.esp
58 3a ApotheosisDemo.esp
59 3b EasierRidersDungeonPack.esp
60 3c The Forgotten Island.esp
61 3d invasion_mummy001m7.esp
62 3e sk_threekingdoms.esp
63 3f The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
64 40 better skuldafn (by lyrielle2003).esp
65 41 gifts of the outsider.esp
66 42 Rigmor.esp
67 43 hrongar's_rest.esp
68 44 AnfangrumsPit.esp
69 45 Forgotten Crypt.esp
70 46 Sulfuras The Reclaimed Hand - Johnskyrim.esp
71 47 AuroranLagrieArmory.esp
72 48 konahrik, the priest.esp
73 49 gersonia.esp
74 4a crimsonquest2.esp
75 4b daedriseeker.esp
76 4c Rayg_NoBYOHAttacks.esp
77 4d UIExtensions.esp
78 4e calyps-bosmer.esp
79 4f samuraiarmor.esp
80 50 ebonyheartclan.esp
81 51 anyonefollows2.esp
82 52 bosmer jenessa.esp
83 53 moveitLWT.esp
84 54 Dragonborn - Dorethi.esp
85 55 MainMenuReplacerShroud.esp
86 56 OpenFaceGuardHelmets.esp
87 57 SuperUnrelentingForce.esp
88 58 PiyarzNetherScaleArmor.esp
89 59 Nightingale Maskless.esp
90 5a FNIS.esp
91 5b FasterCraftableCrossbowsStandAlone.esp
92 5c towConversation.esp
93 5d IngunMarry.esp
94 5e Serana.esp
95 5f Black Tower Island SSE.esp
96 60 the quickening HL 001M7.esp
97 61 ThadDLCAdditionsLakeview.esp
98 62 Suldorn.esp
99 63 pp_engelmannrest.esp
100 64 losttomb.esp


Well, this seems to have worked for most NPCs but not all. However, the ones it doesn't work on are characters I don't play anyway. Thanks much for your time and help. :cool:

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